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Everything posted by bcartier

  1. Hi Nico, Was working with your theme and noticed it doesn't have a "modal" version yet. An exampleof where this shows up is if you got to Setup > Templates then edit a template. If you then click on the name of a field in the list of fields it gives you a modal view of the admin interface to quickly change the field in place. I think you'd just need to add a conditional to check for "modal=1" in the querystring and not output the nav and breadcrumb elements. -Brent
  2. Hi Nico, Just wanted to say this is the the nicest theme for PW I've seen so far... In my opinion, you've managed to make complex forms a lot easier to digest for clients - which is huge. Great work, and thanks for sharing! -Brent
  3. Love this theme! Great attention to detail here...
  4. Thanks Alessio! Well, that was easier than I expected ;-) I honestly never thought to look for module settings... oops
  5. I'd like to make the search in the PW Admin a little more fuzzy (able to match partial terms etc). Can I somehow change the default operator from "~=" to "%=" ? In the admin theme I'm using, the form is generated like this: $searchForm = $user->hasPermission('page-edit') ? $modules->get('ProcessPageSearch')->renderSearchForm() : ''; Can I pass a parameter to the renderSearchForm() function, or something similar without changing the core? Thanks!
  6. Is it possible yet to import a set of Pages to represent categories, then import a second set of entries including page references to those categories? I'm looking to import a large EE site with a lot of related entries. I imagine I'd import the category pages with their legacy identifier in a simple text field, and then have the importer match another field in the second import with that of the first (or something similar). Thanks!
  7. Thanks Soma, that's a great solution. I tried out the field settings as you suggested and it works perfectly. I have yet to try the admin theme change but that should do the trick for future sites. If not the pw default, at least I can make it my own default . Thanks again for you help!
  8. I'd like to request that TinyMCE be configured to paste as plain text by default. This tends to save a lot of headaches with special characters coming in from Word and reduces support calls about the WYSIWYG ;-) It doesn't seem like something I can override in the admin theme, but if I'm wrong please let me know the secret... I found this example on stack exchange on how to do it: tinyMCE.init({ ... plugins : "paste", paste_text_sticky : true, setup : function(ed) { ed.onInit.add(function(ed) { ed.pasteAsPlainText = true; }); } .... }) Thanks!
  9. Can't wait for the final result of this effort... It makes ProcessWire a viable option for many more clients. Thanks for all the hard work and refactoring Rob!
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