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Everything posted by yesjoar

  1. Okay, now i display all users with a special content in given field. That works fine for me. But when I want to change the role of each user i've found. $allusers = $users->find("field=xyz"); foreach($allusers as $u){ $u->removeRole('oldrole'); $u->addRole('newrole'); $u->save(); } But $u is a valid user object, or not?
  2. Oh man, I forgot the cheatsheet. Thanks! I only looked into the API section and there is no $users.
  3. Hi there, is it possible to became all backend users in the frontend? $user worked only for the current user. I thought there is something like $page and $pages. When I try var_dump($user) and var_dump($users) I became different results, but in both results there are not the other users. I think there is no function for that yet, but is it possible to get acces on a other way? I need a way to change some fields of a special user in the frontend. y.
  4. Today I started to develop the project. And what should I say? The API is so fantastic, I love it! As first I startet the development of the user management. At the moment I have a page called "profile". Here is a if-statement, which check the session status. If TRUE you will be able to see content. (Nothing generated yet) If false you can choose between login and registration. In the registration process you can insert username, email and password. The user will be added with the status inactive. A mail with a confirmation code will be sent to the email-address and after the confirmation the user is active. Everything worked finde at the moment and I think in a few weeks I will post this community project to the showcase. Many thanks for your input at the beginning, it was a good start in understanding for me. z.
  5. Martijn, sorry, I don't wanna do that with MODX. My fault by creating the thread. I will use ProcessWire, too. oauth I can't use in this project. There are some special requirements you need to become a membership. Many thanks for your input!
  6. You think ProcessWire isn't the right way for that, or you think your way in the thread isn't the right way to build your idea?
  7. Hi Luis, thanks for you input. I will look for the forum threads. Self coding is not the problem. (:
  8. Hey there, I want to start a new project and at the moment I think about which CMS i will use. With Drupal I will be able to build this. But I will use ProcessWire and I think about how it can work. Some requirements: - user: registration (perhaps with a confirmation mail) - user: login (not in admin menu) - user: forget password - user: profile - user should be able to create new content, but not with the backend view. He should be able to create new content after he logged in… - overview of all generated content from the users - comment on a created page - user should be able to delete his own pages - perhaps a notification system These are some important requirements. Do you think it is possible with ProcessWire and can you name some modules which can help? z.
  9. Hi cupid, have you changed the htaccess.txt to .htaccess? You need to do this. y.
  10. Hi formmailer, is there an error message, when the upload dissapears? y.
  11. yesjoar

    20.000 massages

    Thumbs up apeisa, thats fantastic!
  12. yesjoar

    FYI :-)

    We have exactly the same opinion. My reasons to change from MODX to ProcessWire are the same. Nice article Marc!
  13. Perfect, thanks to you! That works so simple, it's amazing, love it!
  14. Hey there, I build a new site and used the fantastic processwire for that. Now I want to add some users as a content editor, so I create a new user role and checked the following fields: View pages Edit pages Delete pages Move pages Sort child pages Change templates on page Lock or unlock pages The two others are unchecked. Now I create a new user and add him to my new usergroup. Then I tested the user, but he cant't edit anything. He only see the whole pagetree, but there is no link to edit the page. When I go manually to the page I want to edit, then I became the info, that I don't have the currect user rights. Have some others here the same problem? I used the latest processwire and I love it, by the way. // edit Hmh okay, I checked the other values, too. Is there any other thing, that I don't see?
  15. Description A ProcessWire module to add some classes to your body tag. That will give you a better control of your CSS. Basic Usage Add this code into the class of your body tag: <?php echo $modules->get("BodyClass")->bodyclass() ?> So your body tag should look like this: <body class="<?php echo $modules->get("BodyClass")->bodyclass() ?>"> Custom usage <?php echo $modules->get("BodyClass")->bodyclass(array('page_id' => false, 'template_name_prefix' => 'templatename-')) ?> Default options array( 'page_id' => true, // bool (default true) return the page id 'page_id_prefix' => 'page-id-', // string (default 'page-id-') prefix for page_id 'parent_page_id' => true, // bool (default true) return the page id of of parents 'parent_page_id_prefix' => 'parent-page-id-', // string (default 'parent-page-id-') prefix for parent_page_id 'template_name' => true, // bool (default true) return the template name 'template_name_prefix' => 'template-', // string (default 'template-') prefix for template_name 'browser_info' => true // bool (default true) return some browser informations (os, browser, browserversion) ); Project Page on GitHub www.yesjoar.com
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