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Everything posted by lucas

  1. thank u all! nice! thanks for the tip
  2. Hi everyone I'm looking for a way to rename multiple files to random strings, something like Rename Expert, but for Mac. Does anyone know an app (can be a Mac app, web app or an apple script) to rename files into random strings? Cheers
  3. I have more than 1000 images that I want to upload on ProcessWire. Is there any way to batch upload all the images and automatically create one page for each one of them? Including their fields, like categories and tags?
  4. Hey adrian, nope I didn't purchase it yet. Thanks for the tips. Hmmm I'd have to check out if this IPN feature is available for the Paypal standard payments in my country.. I'm far from being a developer but I guess I'll try to build the form myself (using PW of course ) Will search for some guides to get started...
  5. I'd like to know if it's possible for you to integrate Paypal to the Form Builder module. I'd like to use the Form Builder to build a paid job listing. Job submissions would be only published to the site after the payment via Paypal (standard checkout). Could you tell me if this would be something you'd consider adding? That's the only thing keeping me from building this project with PW right now
  6. hey adrian, yep no need to tagged them as expired, just exclude them.
  7. Is there any way to set blog posts/pages to auto-expire or disable after a certain number of days from the original post date? Cheers
  8. @einsteinsboi, thank you for the reply! How tricky would it be for a non-developer to do this? =\
  9. Hi guys, I'd like to build a job listing section where anyone can submit jobs (with no user registration required) and job entries/pages would be created only after a payment through Paypal is received. So I was wondering if there's a PW module like Formidable Pro Paypal for WordPress. I know there's Form Builder, but is it suitable in this case? Does it have integration with Paypal?
  10. @renobird - Thanks, I will do that next time I'm in no way a programmer so I'm struggling with this yet, so I was kind of hoping there was a code snippet or widget for this, like there is one for "recent posts" in the Blog Profile... but there isn't I'm afraid?
  11. Nope, I didn't heh... thanks for the links, Diogo - I guess I have a bunch of reading to do.
  12. Hey everyone! Didn't find anything about this in the forum - How tricky/easy would it be to show similar posts by categories or tags in PW? Cheers
  13. Hey Ryan! Speaking of future updates, by any chance do you plan on releasing a new default theme for the admin soon?
  14. Ha, awesome!! Thanks again Diogo! @kongondo - Yep, definitely!
  15. Hi diogo, thanks for the pointers! Is it possible to keep both? In case I need to upload some image on my server?
  16. Frontend. The thing is the client won't be able to upload images on his own server, it has to use images from the original source for copyright issues. Like in WordPress, when we want to insert an image we have the option to upload the image on our server or insert directly from an URL... Most WYSIWYG editors have this option, but I don't see it in ProcessWire editor... See the Redactor example: http://d.pr/i/CvrB This is what I'm looking for
  17. Hi guys, How can I insert images from URLs? I'm making a site where I'll have to use images from the original source, so I won't be able to upload them on my server... Is there something I can change in TinyMCE/PW config files to allow this? Or maybe I'm missing something? Many thanks, Lucas
  18. Wow, thanks for making this, niutech! I'd definitely take a look at this!
  19. I'd love to have the option to use a template engine instead of plain PHP in ProcessWire. I'd even pay for such alternative... just saying. And I must say Twig looks *very* interesting!
  20. lucas

    Pub Demo Site

    Awesome job, Joss! Are you planning to write a tutorial using these templates series?
  21. Hey Ryan. So we can rename the /site and /wire directories to anything we want?! Is it possible to change the images path aswell?
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