I understand that “non issue” point of view but I’d like to clarify this a bit more, maybe some other users are also wondering about this. =)
I agree that when creating a new page it’s ok to have a template select. Actually I think that it’s quite mandatory, because now in this case the template for the new page will always be the same that it’s on the parent page without any notification to the user. This could be quite confusing in some cases.
As you mentioned, removing that line would cause the template change to be visible in both views (creating and editing page). On previous versions of PW (not sure which versions exactly) the id of the element containing the template change was named differently thus causing the element only on the edit page to be hidden. Which was good.
Now on the new versions of PW the element containing the template change when creating a new page is renamed exactly the same for some reason and the adminbar, well, doesn’t behave the same way as usual anymore.
Creating and editing pages directly from the PW admin side of course works very well and doesn’t cause similar issues, but that’s not always the use case considering that site administrators may use both adminbar and the normal PW admin side.