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  1. Have a look at Contabo, I am very satisfied and they are cheap.
  2. I have a page events whose template includes a repeater field event that contains a Page auto complete field tags that is fed by a repeater field called event_categories in the page Categories (template: Categories) that contains a text field called event_category (template: Category). In the settings of the Page auto complete field tags I tried as template categories and category with the field event_category. In both cases, I can't load the tag of the right category. Thank you
  3. Hi, I can't get the value of the fields of the page whose id comes from the value of the select field. In fact the value I get is the id of the repeater field from an other table with several fields inside. <?php //I get the repeater field value $events= $page->evenement; //I get the different lines foreach ($events as $event){ //I get the value of the select field foreach ($events as $event){ $cat=$event->type; echo $pages->get($cat)->couleur;exit; And then my result is empty. I am now confused with all my trials... thank you
  4. Thank you @netcarver, it works fine, @cwsoft, thank you but next next monday it is not always 14 days.
  5. Hello, How do I get the next Monday after the next Monday? I have that, that works and then I don't find how to add 7 days to it : $str = datetime('Y-m-d', 'next monday');
  6. Although my php.ini is upload_max_filesize = 1000M and I reloaded php fpm, I can't upload files above 2M. I looked at every post on this topic in the forum but could not solve the problem. My error line is error] 32540#32540: *1592 client intended to send too large body: 22592569 bytes, [...] request: "POST /exploration/page/edit/?id=1114&InputfieldFileAjax=1 Thank you for any help.
  7. Hi, How could it be possible to put the "Add new" link at the top of the page administration? Thank you
  8. Thank you very much Teppo, it worked fine.
  9. Hi, I have strange bug : Minutes in a date field are not fine in my repeater field. If I display 2023-04-03 18:30:00 it shows the minutes as 06 instead of 30. I checked up the date in the database it is fine. I checked up replacing the result in my page by the string, it works. I tried with strftime then I formatted with the date function for hour and minutes I still have 06mn Thank you for any help
  10. Thank you AndZyk, I will remove it and refresh.
  11. Hi, I copied the modules from an other installation. As I want to install the module, I have this message: Cannot declare class ProcessWire\FieldtypeRepeater, because the name is already in use Do you have any hunch about it? Thank you
  12. Hi, I am perplex as I compare the content of a description field of a file ($page->parent()->formulaires_papier) and the option chosen in an other page ($page->categorie_de_formation->title). When I have a real string it is OK but when I compare the two fields they never match although I checked up the string perfectly matches. The choice is only for one option. Here is my code <?php $cat=trim($page->categorie_de_formation->title); foreach ($page->parent()->formulaires_papier as $formulaire){ $description=trim($formulaire->description); if ($cat==$description OR $description=="Réglement intérieur"){ echo "<a href='$formulaire->url'>$formulaire->description</a>"; } } ?> I tried many things but it still bugs... Thank you
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