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Everything posted by K4mil

  1. There is some bug with links provided in this warning message. I also struggled with this for some time until I made "C" translation manually through language panel. Setup -> Languages -> [ your language ] -> Find files to translate -> In "Translatable files in /wire/" -> "/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupport.module - Languages Support"
  2. Work like a charm! I was going crazy with this. I owe you, thanks! Sidenote: <?php namespace ProcessWire; ?> Should be added to the very file containing translatable strings (in case if it's attached by include() in the template)
  3. Hello I've recently run into a trouble with translatable strings in my template files. Shortly speaking translatable strings show up properly in language panel, I can create and save translations, everything looks just fine in backend. The problem is that the only outputed value is the hardcoded one. It's definitely not a problem with template code itself because this happened even on simple test template with a translatable string alone. There are no errors, I don't see anything special in logs. I just recently moved site from my local server to my ftp. There were some issues with paths in language files, but I have fixed it. It's the newest dev version of PW. I really don't have idea where to look, I'm fighting with this second day, and slowly loosing my nerves.
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