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Status Updates posted by mindplay.dk

  1. any other @phpStorm users running into these minor annoyances? http://t.co/MZtyUKsl

  2. Chrome is winning world-wide - Asia/Europe bumps the average, but in North America, IE is still clearly ahead. http://t.co/l1xkIj39

  3. Chrome continues to rock the browser trends :-)http://t.co/5w3aLrTJ

  4. don't be religious about technology - the tech you worship today could disappear tomorrow!

  5. don't forget to do your part in the fight against the latest anti-privacy act! http://t.co/kqZvbt8f

  6. hey @rasmus, whatever happened to PHP on Parrot? I was reading about it, and saw you making a positive comment somewhere?

  7. looks like this class act against Netflix was dreamt up by lawyers so they can pocket $2.25M http://t.co/nRkvAog2

  8. I'm working on a better configuration-container for #php https://t.co/1EQ3dpjo - what do you think so far? :-)

  9. went grocery shopping and came home with 2 chickens, 2 cases of beer and a TV. all set for the evening!

  10. #whoa - I think this just went down in history as the hardest human beatbox ever http://t.co/eV3e42Y7

  11. are there any serious web DESIGN tools out there? apps that specialize in HTML/CSS, layout, images, etc. - or is it all toys?

  12. who knew a high-quality yoga-mat made this much of a difference? totally worth the seemingly excessive $80 - amazing grip and control :-)

  13. if you're using this XML-RPC JavaScript library, take a closer look: http://t.co/rFGVPjb2 ... important detail ;-)

  14. this is so unbelievably helpful, I can't believe this isn't just a standard @github feature... https://t.co/6dtWhchM

  15. brainfart: strongly-typed views (as classes) with PHP https://t.co/BRErhKRH

  16. choppy JS animations, yuck! still no match for Flash. jQuery animate() needs to support requestAnimationFrame! http://t.co/rMpEGP2i

  17. don't underestimate the power of things you can easily understand - simple solutions to simple problems.

  18. PHP Storm tip: set your tabs to position left or right instead of top - makes space for twice as many tabs, and makes it easier to drag/sort

  19. harddrive and/or workstation fried last night, out of the blue. ouch. hope my drive is ok - backed up about a year ago :-(

  20. took me a while to figure out that "*" in ".gitignore" also means that ".gitignore" is ignored! odd.

  21. when was the last time anybody used CAPS LOCK? how about having it toggle WSAD as cursor-keys, so your right hand is free for coffee? ;-)

  22. PSR does not specify whether namespaces should be capitalized or not - please chime in: https://t.co/0M6KLK0w

  23. blogged: "Resolving parameters as action-method arguments with the Yii-framework" http://t.co/YmQer2vO

  24. I just ported our website to @processwire in 5 minutes! - this would have taken weeks in Drupal, and would never look exactly like our site.

  25. ouch! php and ruby are like oil and water http://t.co/Pvv03LLt

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