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Status Updates posted by mindplay.dk

  1. i love my @DreamHost hosting, but isn't about time they offer Git? ... Subversion is pretty much over, isn't it?

  2. no (simple or generic) way to select "page x" of query results with SQL server. wow. stunning. I'm lost for words.

  3. I also tagged php-annotations 1.0.0, which is somewhat cheating - standard annotation library still not there. sorry.

  4. wish @github's wiki had Google Code compatible wiki markup... I need to rewrite a lot of documentation, ugh :-(

  5. if you must use a JS transpiler, why not use a real language? such as @opalang or @haxelang

  6. how am I supposed to get any work done without music?? ;-)

  7. wow, giant pop-over ad on top of the column of ads in @google search results - that's the first time I've seen that. crap.

  8. Today's drum'n'bass soundtrack: http://t.co/nG61Nuu1 - this shit gives me chills! :-)

  9. 15 year-old legacy codebase: NNNOOOOOOOOoooooooooo.........

  10. quick spreadsheet demonstrating how to weed out bad (or misleading) readings from a computed average http://t.co/yRH6NqTA

  11. sneak peek of my first @processwire plugin http://t.co/V4KCv6qH - learning and extending PW is quick and easy - good first impression! :-)

  12. back me up here - VGA benchmarks are useless... shopping for a new card is a chore. http://t.co/kZPwdNEk

  13. who else has a habit of starting too many projects at once, raise your twitter finger!

  14. reminder: it's not about code, databases, servers or clouds of 1s and 0s - it's about enabling your clients to *their* jobs efficiently!

  15. framework code quickly grows useless when you omit (or forget) to justify it's existence in documentation...

  16. substitute "mastermind" with "geek", and you've pretty much got an accurate description of me ;-)

  17. you can have a computer on a stick now http://t.co/jkIGMAct yet most laptops are still 5lbs+ ... when can we have PORTABLE laptops please!?

  18. why did popups return to every major site? we've known since the 90s they don't work - most people don't even know what they just closed.

  19. where's the option to turn off voice-mail on @googlevoice ?? doesn't exist. only the most asked-for feature EVER... :-/

  20. I wonder how many billions the banks rake in for little things that people forget...

  21. the new MS logo really takes the "logo" out of "logotype" http://t.co/bZHCaoJl - I wonder if the 4 colors in the icon are "web safe"? haha.

  22. anyone going to @TrueNorthPHP conference?

  23. loving @processwire for rapid prototyping! I prototyped a pretty complex app in 12 hours - so little code, so easy to change and experiment.

  24. man, a whole weekend with 0 lines of code. that's a first for me in a while ;-)

  25. please donate to the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe http://t.co/qh6UneC9 and help preserve Tesla's historical laboratory!

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