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Status Updates posted by mindplay.dk

  1. so the jQuery UI datepicker will populate a hidden field, but won't initialize from it. ARGH. Many hours later: http://t.co/hEdY7clA

  2. perfect soundtrack for this sleepy monday morning ... http://t.co/a5aAH9ee ... mmmm, smooooth :-)

  3. many new Windows 8 apps have no OK/APPLY buttons - you use the X to apply. In Windows, close has always implied cancel. Am I on a Mac now?

  4. http://t.co/5j26zhLQ - the number of "e-mail package for framework XYZ" projects is appalling. Frameworks should NOT need that.

  5. "service" is a dead concept - I think we can safely remove it from the dictionary, and perhaps add "phone maze" to it instead. #GRRRR

  6. loving the heck out of @destroytwitter - the UI is amazingly slick! This is perfect for my needs. And it's free! Where can I donate? :-)

  7. wow, this is like AngularJS for the server http://t.co/tiZ2r5vY that's been a wet dream of mine since I laid hands on AngularJS...

  8. a genuine load of clueless dribble from someone who has failed to understand what annotations are. http://t.co/Pmew8WFJ wow.

  9. in deed, this is proof! http://t.co/HqHGMA5d - of early knowledge of maths by architects, that is :-)

  10. Thank. God. http://t.co/xwKcAXCI Go to hell, Windows 8.

  11. perseverance meets drooling idiocy: perfect time to add MORE assault weapons to your homes! http://t.co/7RyTuCNw wow. I'm in awe.

  12. the REBOL language is now open-source! http://t.co/9WMm0Vrn

  13. Windows 8 first impressions: it sure is "new" - but "better"? Wish I had known sooner, my new laptop can't run Windows 7.

  14. Australia had 13 mass shootings from 1983 to 1996, and zero from 1996 until today. Guess when semi-automatics were banned?

  15. Parallella: http://t.co/DJlcMBPH - do they have something remarkable? or just a marketing ploy to exploit the crowd-sourcing phenomenon?

  16. I believe the Mayans and Egyptians used 3 technologies to build pyramids: Ingenuity, Persistence, and of course Slavery ;-)

  17. surprised at how many Ithaca developers showed at #coderetreat - awesome day! thanks @davidfurber for making me go! :-)#gdcr12

  18. worst trailer in Eons http://t.co/HIYyF8hK I hope the Star Trek franchise doesn't go down the toilet with the Alien franchise...

  19. Everything, Inc.: "We Specialize In EVERYTHING!" (nope, sorry. I don't buy it.)

  20. if you "specialize" in everything, guess what: you specialize in Nothing.

  21. NOOOOOO. http://t.co/q014b0tM God help us all if newbies actually learn things from articles like this one.

  22. please, DO break backwards compatibility with major releases! address design issues with better design, not just with more code!

  23. 4 days off and not a line of code - the amount of food I consumed is probably a personal record too, though. happy thanksgiving!

  24. Good framework architecture is not a replacement for good application architecture.

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