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Everything posted by einsteinsboi

  1. RT @mikko: Google's public DNS ( was hijacked yesterday for 20 minutes. See http://t.co/34A3YMDECo

  2. RT @NASA_Johnson: Exercising & eating well keeps bones, muscles strong even in long term #ISS mission in zero-G. http://t.co/WjUB3SFmOv htt…

  3. RT @WSJ: U.S. Commerce Dept. will relinquish oversight of ICANN, a key body that manages Web domain names: http://t.co/tArfszelC1

  4. RT @freejung: #MODX security alert! Malware plugin "Core Services" hack/virus/trojan takes control of sites.http://t.co/N6hp8ht1LI

  5. RT @dalepartridge: Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.

  6. RT @dalepartridge: The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.

  7. RT @WSJ: Networking isn't all about you. Empowering your peers can pay off in the long run: http://t.co/e3GYvs0zSC

  8. RT @darthclue: I am not famous but I am dying from cancer at 35. Can we trend this? #WhatDreamsMayCome https://t.co/TUEXqyqVct Please RT.

  9. Whenever I feel blue, or I'm sick and feeling crap and can't be useful, or just need to laugh, I go to this page... http://t.co/ojRdDRhGew

  10. RT @HAL9000_: Amateur hackers. They always try to spoof security keys or IPs rather then just run a script to find an account with the pass…

  11. RT @TheWebPsych: [#VIDEO] Catherine Bracy: Why good #hackers make good citizens. Brilliant - http://t.co/Z3uf5lGNUh via @TedTalks

  12. RT @iLeadNZ: Answer by @oliveremberton to How do I get over my bad habit of procrastinating? http://t.co/3grXOf9VDy

  13. “A negative mind will never get you a positive life.” – Dale Partridge

  14. RT @james_clear: The Power of Imperfect Starts: How Good Do You Really Need to Be to Get Started? http://t.co/iM1k72PRpX

  15. The problem with proprietary systems. http://t.co/3zC7puWG8p

  16. RT @jeffselser: Poured cup of coffee, backed up processwire site, had a sip, upgraded site to version 2.4, had another sip, tested site. U…

  17. Here Are Some Posters For The Men Who Tell Women What To Do Or What They Think Of Them In The Street http://t.co/smqJPgHF04

  18. RT @hawproductions: A small, lightweight jQuery plugin for placing images in straight rows. http://t.co/TEtLIwarPy #javascript via @3runjo

  19. RT @Sports_HQ: Being defeated is often temporary, giving up makes it permanent.

  20. RT @Sports_HQ: The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare. -Bobby Knight

  21. Quick Qn: Why would you pick #PHP over #Python or #Java or #Ruby for your web app?

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