Currently the option to list all pages as checkboxes is very basic:
I would really like (please inform me if something like this already exists), something which
Has check all/none controls
Indents child items/highlights parent items
Pagination/load more for long lists
An option to check all children of a parent item
I know there are other more comprehensive systems, but they are focused on expand/reveal controls, re-ordering etc.
The use of this would be if you're creating a page, and you want to determine which other page the content appears on.
Edit: I'd also happily take suggestions on better ways to do that!
Edit: A better way to word this would be: the Page List Select Multiple input type, but with checkboxes for each item, plus secondary checkboxes on parent pages for selecting all child items. Currently when you pick any option from the list in Page List Select Multiple, it's added to a separate list and the list collapses, meaning you need to re-expand everything just to pick the next page in the list.