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Everything posted by justb3a

  1. @Bam Bino: Did you remove some fields? I can't see scf-website as well as submitted. These fields are necessary for validation. If I just install the module without any config / html - css adaptions, it should look like this:
  2. There is already an issue on github. I'll get back to this as soon as I've resolved some other issues...
  3. It also works for just one image. If you allow more than one image in field settings you have to get the first image, iterate over or get one randomly. // $image = $page->images->getRandom(); // foreach ($page->images as $image) { ... } $image = $page->images->first(); $sidebar = "<img src='$image->url' alt='$image->description' class='$image->orientation' />";
  4. @tekno: Like any other value: $image->orientation For example: $sidebar = "<img src='$image->url' alt='$image->description' class='$image->orientation' />"; outputs: <img src="/site/assets/files/1/bigger-terminal.400x0.jpg" alt="We're gonna need a bigger terminal." class="left">
  5. This is another error message which is not related to this module. Somewhere in your template you call renderNav($page->children) but this function doesn't exist. This function comes with a basic ProcessWire installation and is located in _func.php which is required by _init.php ($config->prependTemplateFile in config.php) This module uses CSRF token validation, if you don't know what it's all about, have a look here. In your form there must be an hidden input field, make sure that it's still there (<input type='hidden' name='<?= $input->tokenName; ?>' value='<?= $input->tokenValue; ?>' class='_post_token' />). Check also that there is another hidden input field: <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1">. Do not remove one of them!
  6. And no error message appears (frontend or error log). Does it reload the page if you press submit? Is there an entry in simplecontactform-spam-log? There is a setting called antiSpamTimeMin, if you submit the form really fast, the content will be treated as spam. There should be an entry in the spam log. Try to set this setting (in module settings) to 0.
  7. @Kami: Please have a look at your log file (simplecontactform-log). Edit: Please set $config->debug in site/config.php to true and try again @itsberni: Sorry for answering that late. I guess we must transfer the form action to the frontend by using pagination (20 entrys a page).
  8. RT @DrScienceCat: No ice cream. No cigarettes. Yes unicorns. http://t.co/oL79nwGaAa

  9. good to know: #flux (7.2.1) breaks #templavoila (coming from old installation but want to use fluid templates for new features) #TYPO3

  10. Oops, an error occurred! "" is not a valid template resource URI. #TYPO3 I've missed you so much...

  11. ∞Textformatter Normalize UTF8 uses a lightweight PHP class (Patchwork UTF-8) for UTF8 normalization. Use it if .. If you check the page with the W3C HTML5 validator, you'll maybe get the following warning: Text run is not in Unicode Normalization Form C. Or if you notice strange output in some browsers (bold letters, shifted characters, ..).What it does In Unicode it is possible to produce the same text with different sequences of characters. For example, take the Hungarian word világ. The fourth letter could be stored in memory as a precomposed U+00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE (a single character) or as a decomposed sequence of U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A followed by U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (two characters). világ = világ The Unicode Standard allows either of these alternatives, but requires that both be treated as identical. To improve efficiency, an application will usually normalize text before performing searches or comparisons. Normalization, in this case, means converting the text to use all precomposed or all decomposed characters. There are four normalization forms specified by the Unicode Standard: NFC, NFD, NFKC and NFKD. The C stands for (pre-)composed, and the D for decomposed. The K stands for compatibility. To improve interoperability, the W3C recommends the use of NFC normalized text on the Web. -- W3C
  12. @congomonster: I have to find / provide another solution for this issue. For now it's ok but it shouldn't be the solution to solve it that way...
  13. @itsberni: 60 is not enough. Try the following values: max_execution_time = 240 max_input_time = 240 memory_limit = 1024M
  14. a herd of cattle has just chased me. my horse did such a good job. #adrenalin

  15. @itsberni: Have a look into you php.ini file. There is an entry for max_execution_time. Check that value und increase it. And also have a look at max_input_time and memory_limit. @congomonster: Maybe I should provide a way to write your own email content using placeholders. Then you would be able to add additional text as well. Edit: I opened an issue regarding that feature on github, so I keep it in mind
  16. not tested, add in function getInputfield after line 153 // later: check before if this is enabled in field settings if (!empty($page->parent_id)) { $selector[] = 'has_parent=' . $page->parent_id; } Please let me know if this works. I'll then add a checkbox in field settings and the depending check as well.
  17. RT @webrocker: indie war gestern — oder umgekehrt http://t.co/jltzqctAIp

  18. Hi, I use/wrote this little chunk: <?php class ProfileChunk extends \nw\DataProviders\ChunkDataProvider { public function populate() { $input = wire('input'); $user = wire('user'); $sanitizer = wire('sanitizer'); if (!$user->isLoggedin()) wire('session')->redirect('/'); $user->of(false); // check if they submitted a password change $passOld = substr($input->post->pass_old, 0, 50); $passNew = $input->post->pass_new; $passConfirm = $input->post->pass_confirm; // all three inputs have to be filled if (!empty($passOld) && !empty($passNew) && !empty($passConfirm)) { // check old password if ($user->pass->matches($passOld)) { if (strlen($passOld) < 6) { $this->message = ".. at least 6 characters .."; } else if ($passNew != $passConfirm) { $this->message = '.. passwords do not match ..'; } else { // everything is fine, save new password $user->pass = $passNew; } } else { $this->message = '.. the old password is incorrect ..'; } } // check and save other fields $this->message = '.. successfully saved ..'; $user->save(); $user->of(true); } }
  19. Do you use the latest version? I know this issue and fixed it already some weeks ago. Have a look at github. The only occurence of $this->sanitizer->text is on line 417 in the function validateFields. Maybe I should change this as well to textarea.
  20. Did you try to add only the parent page in the Pages select field?
  21. "Internal Server Error - Please contact the server administrator" – I wonder if it would help to write an email to myself...

  22. Which files / folders cause the CHMOD issue? We should check this at the beginning, throw an exception or change the permissions on the fly. I guess the best approach would be to tell the users there are missing permissions and whether we should change them (using a prompt).
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