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Everything posted by felic

  1. Wer denkt sich sowas aus: Scrollt man ans Seitenende, redirect zur Startseite. Hä? #sz

  2. Ob es das ist, was ich will? Hm. #lasttweet

  3. RT @stporombka: Die Gemeinde hat den Vorschlag, Motive von "Game of Thrones" ins Krippenspiel zu integrieren, produktiv aufgenommen. https:…

  4. Dieser Frust, versucht man (gar nicht so) alte Node/Bower Projekte erneut zu starten. Irgendein 'npm ERR!' geht immer.

  5. Hi, i installed the core module "Comments" (with all its dependencies) several weeks ago while PW was still on 2.6.x. Meanwhile i've updated PW to 2.7.1. Now i want to uninstall/remove that module. Which fails with a "class not found" error. Error: Class 'Comment' not found (line 80 of /xxx/wire/modules/Process/ProcessCommentsManager/ProcessCommentsManager.module) // ProcessCommentsModule.module, line 80 public function init() { parent::init(); $this->statuses = array( Comment::statusApproved => $this->_('approved'), ... ); } As this is a core module it is certainly not a good idea trying to remove this by hand. So, can anybody give some advice what to do to get this module in a "uninstalled" mode again? Thx in advance.
  6. Ein paar Begriffserklärungen für Ruby-Einsteiger: https://t.co/bFcrSOWjJ3

  7. Ah, that's it. Got to remove some... Thanks to both of you, @justb3a, @BitPoet! mysql> select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | @@GLOBAL.sql_mode +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY | _ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  8. +-------------------+------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------------+------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+ | created | timestamp | NO | MUL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | | +-------------------+------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+ literally the same. Hm...
  9. @justb3a Thx for you reply. With fresh installs or/and upgrading?
  10. Hi, since i updated my local mysql to v5.7.9, the Processwire SystemUpdater fails (on all local PW installations) with the following message: SystemUpdater: ERROR: Update #12 ERROR: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'created' I suppose PW is not prepared for this mysql version. Sources: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html#upgrade-system-table-changes, https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_sql_mode As my database knowledge is limited,- can someone confirm this? regards Olaf
  11. Thank you very much! Indeed, this was the issue.
  12. Hi, I am a bit surprised seeing a script works while on localhost, but triggers following error after shoving it to the online server. Logged Error while on the online server: Compile Error: Can't use method return value in write context The line in the script which triggers the error: if (empty($session->get("uploaded_documents"))) {... } So the getter session method causes the trouble here obviously. But since this all works flawlessly in my local dev environment, i currently have no idea, why this work only locally. Both PW installations, local and on the online are identical (PW 2.7.0.). A bit of context: I have a API Form which allows multiple file uploads. To prevent uploading each file over and over in case of a validation form error i set sessions to temp save the paths of uploaded files until the form validates. So the condition above lives within following structure: // form was submitted so we process the form if($input->post->submit) { // user submitted the form, process it and check for errors $form->processInput($input->post); if (empty($session->get("uploaded_documents"))) { // doing some things/condition if or not to init the session and fill it with files arrays a.s.o. } if($form->getErrors()) { // form contains errors... } else { // form validates, doing something... } } What bothers me, is why it works locally but not on the online server? Any ideas are much appreciated! greets
  13. Gut: https://t.co/MlavZVf1Gz. Schlecht: Ist die Angst da, ist der Kopf nur noch eine halbtrockene Vase #ParisAttack

  14. RT @stporombka: Clevere Lösung für Leute, die keinen Hammer zur Hand haben. https://t.co/SSnbNltJUv

  15. Ich habs geschafft. Ich bin im Fernsehen. - Gut, eigentlich meine Wohnung. - Aber immerhin. https://t.co/HMB67g29EF

  16. Hi, i have a specific question while dealing with file uploads: I have a (API) form which contains several file upload fields beside other field types elements. Some of them are required, so submitting the form gets into the error fork, when they are not populated/checked. A rather simplified structure of the form is available as a Gist (https://gist.github.com/e838fc5ecf90c309842e). The form (and uploads in general) works just fine, but i don't get along with the common issue, that all file uploads gets lost/empty if the form runs into the error fork after first submission, e.g. some required fields are not populated or checked (checkboxes). If the user correct this and submits the form again, no files are available any longer (without uploading them again on every submit. What is annoying and expresses rather lame UX). So i wonder how and where to store those file uploads temporarily, so they are available on form submission even if there are several submits because of form validation errors until the form succeed. My last approach was to put the generation of file uploads (e.g. building a array of all upload field values) shortly after the submit condition. But that doesn't work either, e.g. when submitting the form twice or more the $uploaded_documents array is empty... Perhaps some of you has a clearer view on that (?). Would be great.
  17. Zum ersten Mal schlau gewesen und schon zahlt es sich aus ("Schicken wir erst mal das Laptop aufs Eis...") #murgs #lasttweet

  18. Irritiert. Hat @zeitonline jetzt nur noch eine mobile Seite oder leidet die Red. an einer ansteckenden Einschränkung d. Gesichtfeldes? Übel.

  19. Achtung, bahnfahrer. In opladen muss aktuell mit in die irre führenden schildern gerechnet werden. http://t.co/tk4VOaOM1X

  20. ZDFInfo Dokus sind für Menschen, die sich selbst nach der dritten Kommentar-Schleife noch auf die Vierte freuen (können). #machhinne

  21. transform: translateX(calc(100vw - 280px));Es wäre auch zu schön. http://t.co/fUhl3Ku3a8

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