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Everything posted by felic

  1. Die seltsame Welt der Quartz-Filter: Orig. PDF = 5.4 MB, komprimiertes PDF = 10.1 MB

  2. Ein bisschen spooky ist es schon, wenn sich Google als Description in den SEs genau den passenden Text aus etlichen Abschnitten raussucht.

  3. Wenn jemand von Jobs (Fest) im Bereich Senior Frontend-Entwicklung/Design in Köln weiß, die eine Empfehlung wert sind,- immer her damit.

  4. Ich so: Das hast du auch schon besser hinbekommen, ne... https://t.co/DQ9Rcqtg6N

  5. New hipster venue: "Live slow, die old". Say hi to my subsequent generation. With their sparkling smoothies. And health insurance bonus.

  6. Anyway? Anyone...

  7. Hier: Die Straßenbahn scheint akustisch die Blaupause für #StarWars Posracer gewesen zu sein.

  8. jaja, #sz, verständlich, die Panama-Papers sind eure 'Hitlers Tagebücher'. Aber lasst gefällst die Finger vom Back-Button des Browsers.

  9. Auch tragisch: Div. Hersteller von Frischkäse, die *zeitgleich* die Rezepturen ihrer Produkte ändern = ~65% weniger auf dem pot. Speiseplan.

  10. Was im 17-Fronten Umbruch alles so untergeht. Oder eben auch nicht, dank solchen Menschen. https://t.co/ktcPU8CuV4

  11. Great. Thanks for sharing! And honestly, i would never have considered this.
  12. RT @niggi: Anja Reschke: "Nach dieser Logik wäre ich also nicht Journalistin, sondern Lügnerin des Jahres. Scheiße.“ https://t.co/bdEqO40D…

  13. Yes, great! Haven't tried the OR-groups selector yet. "selector_level2" => "(parent!=<parent_id_of_permission_controlled_pages>), (id=$items)" does the job. Thanks you very much!
  14. Hi, i am using this Module for quit a while with great joy. Easy to implement and very flexible. Right now i wonder if something like this is possible by using just the module options without hooking the core: I have a 2-level menu with several parents and relevant child pages. On last parent the child array is (should) populated from a variable ($items), which collects only (child) pages with dedicated page view permission. So i fiddle around with the "selector_levelN" option. First try: $options = array( "levels" => true, "max_levels" => 2, "selector_level2" => "id=$items" ); This gives me the expected result in level2 on the last child tree, but fails of course because the selector ("id="$items") returns nothing on all other parent/child levels. What i would need is some condition like (Tried this and other notations, no luck): $options = array( ... "selector_level2" => (parent=<id>) ? "id=$items" : "" ); In words. If the parent page has a dedicated ID (here: the parent page which holds all permission controlled (child) pages), populate the "selector_level2" option with predefined pages ($items), otherwise don't constrain the collecting for level 2. Probably this is the nutshell: Are condition possible/allowed in module option selector values? cheers and thanks felic
  15. Wenn ein Kunde mit einem Karton an netten iphone shots ankommt, kann man sowas mal machen: https://t.co/GYh096vY8u https://t.co/ibC4hj8ptC

  16. Schweizer sind auch nur Deutsche. Ein interessanter Essay. https://t.co/jnYO5QAMhs

  17. Unfortunately not. But i didn't dig in too deep to find the cause. Because of timelines, i just left it for now as is.
  18. Ja, wat jetzt. Ist https://t.co/oUXobuVtQz jetzt noch on oder generell off?

  19. RT @larafritzsche: Ich gehe so krass offensiv mit meiner Mutterschaft um, ich hab meinem Kind heute sogar Frühstück(!) gemacht. https://t.…

  20. Ivan, thanks for the link(s)! Yes, ryan's blog/archives templates looks promising how to get my desired render structure . I'll get my hands on the code tomorrow and hope i am able to adapt this for my needs.
  21. RT @sasa_s: Drohen, Hass leben, Gewalt ausleben – die Lust ist längst da. #Petry konkretisiert sie bloß in vorstellbarer Tat. https://t.co/…

  22. Hi everyone! I have parent page (and template) dates with numerous child pages for single event dates. Beside the content related fields each child page contains two fields which are added (for now) just for sorting purposes (item_sorting_month, item_sorting_year). Getting those child pages and output them in a straight foreach loop is simple: $current_date = date("d.m.Y"); $items = $page->children("item_date>=$current_date, sort=item_sorting_year, sort=item_sorting_month"); foreach($items as $item) { .. } This gives me a well sorted flat output like this: - item - item But what i like to achieve (and doesn't get it right) is this: - Year -- Month --- item -- Month --- item - Year -- Month --- item -- Month --- item Additionally i like to establish a anchor link navigation to all available month, e.g. Feb.2016, Jul.2016, Jan.2017 a.s.o. because the list might be a large one. I spent more than a day with several trail/error (separate $page->find(...), nested foreach loops etc.) at least. But all leads to nothing :-/ Maybe some of you have some hints where to look at, e.g. how to achieve this. I hope my description is precise enough. Otherwise, please don't hesitate to ask. Cheers and thx in advance
  23. Getting the same error while trying to upgrade from 2.6.1 to 2.7.1. Reinstall Upgrade Modules doesn't solve it.
  24. RT @mydaughtersarmy: "Volunteering at an abortion clinic made me lose my patience with the abortion debate."https://t.co/celcpdN1YM … htt…

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