I would like that all PW modules/function/methods be aware of possibility to use IDs instead of urls.
Let say I have page with title Test (url=test, id=1000) and two children: Foo (url=foo, id=1001) and Bar (url=bar, id=1002). echo $page->children->render(); produces something like:
<li><a href="/foo/">Foo</a></li>
<li><a href="/bar/">Bar</a></li>
What I would like is that echo $page->children->render(); creates this:
<li><a href="/1001/">Foo</a></li>
<li><a href="/1002/">Bar</a></li>
Your module just add an option to use ID on specific templates/pages (and that is great) but I have to write my own method/function to display ID's, because render() will always echo page url and not page ID. I hope I made myself clear (English is not my native language).