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Everything posted by biojazzard

  1. Voy a citar a Cipolla porque viene al pelo. Es incluso peor, ser dirigidos por estúpidos, que por malvados. #Brexit https://t.co/oUL2lRMqdv

  2. 2e74207281-1 is the largest known Prime Number, a Mersenne Prime. It has >22M digits. About 22,8Mb in a txt file. https://t.co/ucrqdXmZbZ

  3. It may be too late. But I still find this module useful, and I wanted to make it work with PW 3... So... The module worked for logged users, but when it came to guests... the entity error came in. So I added, SuperAdmin permissions on runtime and it works: public function ___render($customRender=false) { wire('users')->get('guest')->set('roles',41); //-> Revert this situation at the end of the function, plz. Hope It helps. .a
  4. RT @DeepStuff: Robotic systems controlled by neural network spontaneously develop self-organized behaviors https://t.co/InWdY7qlM7 https://…

  5. Imaginaos a Marhuenda en una reunión de la comunidad de vecinos...

  6. DrLunesTypeManager is a Template Helper. DrLunesTypeManager asks you for a typekit ID, Google Fonts Family, CDN, Custom CSS and more, and outputs the code needed to use this fonts in your templates. It also forces some tags to use this fonts and your custom CSS styles to be applied to the page. DrLunesTypeManager in github: https://github.com/biojazzard/DrLunesTypeManager Inspiration Inspired by [Dr. Rober´s](rober@1un.es) needs. ProcessWire is about efficient code, but sometimes humans need helpers. Install Via PW: + Download zip + Use modules administrator in PW to upload it to the server. + Open it and configure it with your settings. Install Via GIT: I´m not a git pro, but it´s nice to have modules as a subtree so it´s not a pain to mantain, and you can easily reuse it in other projects keeping it´s development in github as well. + Fork [DrLunesTypeManager](git@github.com:biojazzard/DrLunesTypeManager.git) + Ad it as a subtree in git with relative path site/modules/ + Edit it as you like. + Install DrLunesTypeManager with modules administrator in PW. + Open it and configure it with your settings. Module [sample] Settings Using DrLunesTypeManager in templates. Last thing is to output code, this can be done in your: $config->appendTemplateFile + DrLunesTypeManager uses jQuery. So output code AFTER **jQuery** is loaded, usually in your ``head``, but preferably before ``body`` tag. <?php // Get Module $typekit = $modules->get('DrLunesTypeManager'); // Render Script & Settings. echo $typekit->render(); // It´s done. ?> html outout MODULE-VALUE-* represents your value settings in Module´s Settings <script> WebFontConfig = { typekit: { id: "MODULE-VALUE-TYPEKIT-ID" }, google: { families: ["MODULE-VALUE-GOOGLE-FONT"] } }; (function() { var wf = document.createElement("script"); wf.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https" : "http") + ":MODULE-VALUE-TYPEKIT-CDN"; wf.async = "true"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s); })(); // TypeKit Classes added to main text tags (function($) { $("p").addClass("MODULE-VALUE-BODY-CLASS") $("ul").addClass("MODULE-VALUE-BODY-CLASS") $("h1, h2, h3").addClass("MODULE-VALUE-H13-CLASS") $("h4, h5, h6").addClass("MODULE-VALUE-H46-CLASS") })(jQuery); </script> If you are using the **Custom CSS** field, you may add ``!important`` in order to get this styles loaded as expected: h1.tk-cubano { letter-spacing: -1px; color: hsla(360, 94%, 32%, 0.76) !important; // FORCE RED text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px hsla(360, 94%, 32%, 0.3); //SHADOW } With love. 1un.es
  7. Turrón de langostinos al cava, y acabámos con la #Navidad en bloque.

  8. Well, I wanted to move some Repeater fields to PageTable. I couldn´t use your script because I wanted it to traverse a PageArray. So I totally rewrote your script, and added some comments. You can use as a template file for any page. Steps: Create a new Categories/Category Structure in PW: BothTemplates & Parent Page (Categories) and the new PageTable Field: categories. Assign the "new" PageTable Field to de templates where the Repeater is. The one we will migrate. Here: https://gist.github.com/biojazzard/654e9f00faacf419d952/ With love.
  9. FileMaker desterrado de mi vida. Me da pena porque muchos archivos arrancaban en el 97-98,... curro de años y años..., de versiones,...

  10. RT @slashdot: Forbes Blasts Latests Windows 7 Patch as Malware http://t.co/kyY2rxxw9y

  11. After 2.5.0 update, Service Pages stopped working for guests. The 2.4.5 Fix did not work. It´s not bypassing permissions right now in 2.5.0. The problem comes from ProcessPageSearch.module, used by Service Pages, as it has page-edit permissions. Quick FIx: Editing the core [>_<] ProcessPageSearch.module: As you may notice, this is not desirable, but it works. 'permission' => 'page-view', instead of 'permission' => 'page-edit', How can we try to fix this in the ServicePages.module? Thanks in advance.
  12. Gallardón: no hay peor vida que la que te dan ya escrita. Ahora te toca Repsol, Endesa, Telefónica o alguna de estas. Rueda puerta rueda...

  13. Maravilloso ejercicio de democracia el de Escocia, se jactan los liberales. Se puede hacer aquí?... Pues No.

  14. RT @Shealan: Some people attract drama. These people are a danger to your health and should be avoided at all costs.

  15. Los dos discos de Axelrod para los Electric Prunes son increíbles realmente.

  16. No sabía de este disco tardío y fijate que me suena la portada: http://t.co/CQo9myQEi3

  17. Panero no era tan fascinante como en el desencanto, una de las mejores películas que se han hecho en este país...

  18. Los antisistema deberían de cambiar de antisistema.

  19. El anterior tuit viene de aquí: http://t.co/f9w0BR2b6D

  20. Menuda compilación de Jazz-Funk tiene este pollo montado en youtube: http://t.co/8eDejJd1iS

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