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  1. I have just solved my own issue, but I want to document the solution in case other happy processwire users encounter the same problem. The solution is to simply rename the htaccess.txt file that was downloaded when processwire was installed to .htaccess and upload the renamed file. Apparently the renaming process occurs automagically upon installation so I was not aware that I was overwriting a critical file. BIll
  2. To use the MediaElement.js video and audio player, it is recommended that the following code be added in an .htaccess file placed in the root of the website: AddType video/ogg .ogv AddType video/mp4 .mp4 AddType video/webm .webm These settings were recommended to stream video files, and I never thought they would interfere with processwire. Unfortunately, I can not even access my admin panel so .htaccess must have overwritten key system code. Does anyone know what may have happened and how I can get access back? I have deleted the .htaccess file, but the harm was already done apparently. Thank you. Bill
  3. Thanks guys. Your emails caused me to re-examine the manner in which I was setting up the image field. I had been focused on the logic and syntax of my code. In fact, the problem was that I incorrectly assumed that I could leave the setting for Maximum Files Allowed on the Details tab at the default value of 0. Now, I think I understand that 0 means there is no limit to the number of images--an array. The tags I was using were for a single image which resulted in nul output. Now, I just need to find a tag that provides the path only from the root. Thank you, again. Bill
  4. Thank you both for your help. I did read through the description of image and images fieldtypes, and I have studied the cheatsheet so I think that I understand the difference between single and multiple image fields. I am using several single image fields for different types of media (images, audio and video) to populate an xml file that will be read by a multi-media player. The simple issue I am confronting is that I don't yet understand processwire's syntax well enough to structure the tag to provide the path to the file, including file name and extension so that the xml file can find the file and recognize its type. image1_cover is a .jpg file, but the following line is returning nothing: <?php echo $image1_cover->filename ?> I can't believe that I have been unable to figure this out after several hours of effort, but it's obvious that I am missing something important--and probably simple. Any ideas? Bill
  5. Thank you for the references. I have read through them, but I am obviously not understanding something that should be very simple. If my image is called image1-cover and I want to display the image filename, including server path, how do I write the statement? The following does not work: <?php echo $image1_cover->filename ?> Bill
  6. I am still learning the tags in processwire so I think this will be an easy question. I am trying to create a tag that will display the path from the root to an image file that includes the image filename and extension. I think I am close with the following, but how do I add the filename and extension? <?php echo $page->image1_thumb->url ?> Thank you. Bill
  7. Diageo, Thank you again for all of your help. I will likely be using this page more than 200 times in my website so it is definitely important that I get this to work. However, I don't want to wear out your patience because I know you have much other work to do so I am researching for several hours each time before I post. In line 10 below, I have addressed the first issue you mentioned. I must have been tired and just followed the format from the previous lines because I was not attempting to refer to an element with the the id 'cgalleryXMLpath' --as you presumed. jQuery(function($){ var $ccgallery = $('#ccgallery'), $thumbGallery = $('#thumbGallery'), $thumbList = $('#thumbGallery').find('ul'), $coverList = $('#itemList'), $coverflowGallery = $('#coverflowGallery'), $coverContainer = $('#coverContainer'), msie = navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('microsoft') != -1, ie9js = msie && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE')[1], 10) < 9 && IE7.recalc ? true : false, xmlFile = ccgalleryXMLpath, ccAutoplay = $ccgallery.data('autoplay') === true ? true : false, ccLoop = $ccgallery.data('loop') === true ? true : false, storeVolume = $ccgallery.data('storeVolume') === true ? true : false, newWindowLinks = $ccgallery.data('newWindowLinks') === true ? true : false; With respect to your second concern about the use of document.write(), please understand that was a quick insert into the code so that I could check the contents of the global variable ccgalleryXMLpath while I am coding only. Line 4 below will be deleted before I publish. <!-- start ccgalleryXMLpath definition --> <script> var ccgalleryXMLpath ='<?php echo $page->child->path?>'; document.write(ccgalleryXMLpath + "<br>"); </script> <!-- end ccgalleryXMLpath definition --> Unfortunately, I still am not getting the information I want into the global variable, ccgalleryXMLpath, because it does not include the filename with .xml extension. I have studied the Cheatsheets and read through many posts on the forums regarding using rtrim to remove the trailing slash, but how do I add the extension to the filename? Bill
  8. Thank you, again. I am making progress, but I'm not quite there. I worry that my logic or syntax is off. I tried to insert a write function in the php file to write the contents of the global variable ccgalleryXMLpath to see if I had the correct path in the global variable before passing it to the javascript file, but I am seeing no result. Not sure if the variable definition is wrong or if the write function is wrong because I'm not that familiar with javascript. In artistlandingpage.php, I included: <script> var ccgalleryXMLpath ='<?php echo $page->child->path?>'; document.write(ccgalleryXMLpath + "<br>"); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>artistlandingpage/js/jquery.ccgallery.js"></script> In jquery.ccgallery.js, I included: xmlFile = $('#ccgalleryXMLpath'), I realize that without reviewing entire files it is difficult to provide an opinion, but do you see a problem with the logic or syntax? Thank you. Bill
  9. I thank you both for directing me to head.inc because I like to figure out as much as possible for myself. However, I had already figured out how to correctly call the javascript and css files which are working fine. My challenge is different. The path to the child xml file is not specified in the parent html file. Rather, it is specified in a javascript file that is called by the parent html file. The path to the javascript file is static, but the path to the child xml file is dynamic so the relative paths between these files is dynamic. I could solve the problem by creating a static location for all of the image, audio and video files for the site that I could hard-code into the javascript file, but that would mean that I would have thousands of very large files in one folder which seems less than ideal. This was the reason that I wanted to create a child xml file for each of the several hundred parent html files I will create for individual artists. The other thought I had was to edit the javascript file when it is called by the parent html file by specifying the path to the child xml file at the time of the call, but I don't know if that is possible. I would appreciate any suggestions or advice. Bill
  10. diogo, You have been a great help and have saved me a considerable amount of time. Thank you. I'm almost there because I have the xml file created, and it is properly displaying the path names. After considerable effort today, I am left with three questions, probably because of my lack of experience with processwire. 1. The following line displayed a syntax error in Dreamweaver: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> When I attempted to view the page in processwire, I received the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING. I can not find a syntax error in the line. When I searched online for a solution, I discovered that xml version 1.0 and UTF-8 encoding are the default settings so I reluctantly deleted the line and the errors disappeared. Please advise if you notice a syntax error; otherwise, I will leave the line out until I get my media engine working. 2. The line <thumb><?php echo $page->image1_source->url ?><thumb> returns the url to the file on the server, but I need the full path. When I substituted "filename" for "url", I expected to return the full path, but it returns nothing. Is it interpreting <thumb> (which is required by the display engine) as a second file so it cannot process filename and return the full path? Is there a workaround? 3. The javascript file called by the parent's template needs the relative path to the child xml file, and I don't know how to designate a relative path in a php environment because I have only worked with static files. Is there a way to do this in processwire? I very much appreciate your assistance, and I hope these will be my final questions. Bill
  11. diogo, I very much appreciate your assistance and your excellent ideas. In this case, the reason I want to build an xml file is because the display engine I am using to present the image, audio and video files is fed by an XML file. As you might note from my artist template at http://www.book-ente...om/rob-garrett/ , this is a multimedia gallery in which the form of presentation is as important as the content. The display engine incorporates a responsive design with touch-screen support, filters that allow visitors to browse thorugh a large number of artists by music genre and two modes of presentation. I don't want to rebuild that engine so I would like to feed it with the xml file it is expecting. I thought that I could create a child page for each artist in which page I would have a field for each format of each image, a field for each format of each audio file, and a field for each format of each video file. Unfortunately, I have not yet figured out how to create an xml file within processwire with a fixed path from the parent artist page. I am continuing my research, but I am looking for direction from those who understand processwire's options much better than I do at this point. Again, I wish to express my deep appreciation for your assistance. Bill
  12. I am building my first website with processwire, but of course I am starting with a relatively complex site for an entertainment booking agency. Before I spin my wheels for several days or weeks, I am seeking advice on the best approach to create a dynamic xml file that will contain file paths for different sized jpg files for images, mp3 and ogg files for audio, and mp4, webm and ogv files for video to play natively in various browsers within responsive pages that will adapt to the device on which they are displayed. Most of my experience is with Dreamweaver, and I know how to do this with static pages because there would be a unique xml file for each static page. However, creating a static page for each artist on a roster of 200 that is growing monthly is not practical. I've looked at several content management systems and have concluded that I want to invest my time in the one I consider the best--processwire. So here I am asking for help. I note that something similar has been done with the module Local Audio Files-MP3-DB by horst, but I'm not sure that is the best approach here because I will likely have an average of only 20 jpg files and 5 of each of the other file formats for each performing artist on this website. The key is that I must create a unique xml file for each of at least 200 artists that will reference their unique works. I would appreciate any suggestions either on what to try or what not to try so that I can avoid wasting time on "blind paths". If it helps to visualize my objective, you can view a template of an artist's page at http://www.book-entertainer.com/rob-garrett/. I know all of your time is valuable, but I am just not sure where to start. Thank you. Bill
  13. After spending a fair amount of time comparing ExpressionEngine with ProcessWire, I have decided that I want to use ProcessWire for my future projects. The enthusiasm for the product among the members of this forum was one of the factors I considered in making the decision. So, I thank you all for taking the time to express your opinions and for making comparisons between the products. Informed opinions are incredibly valuable to those who want to avoid starting down the wrong path. I successfully installed and started using ProcessWire on my site within a couple of hours which is further evidence of its ease of use. Since most of my experience has been with building sites using Dreamweaver, I think the fastest way for me to be productive will be to build my templates in Dreamweaver using my prior work and then upload them to ProcessWire on my target site. I have already been successful with that approach. The question I have for this group is whether there is a step by step guide to installing ProcessWire on your local machine, including installing and setting up MySQL. I think that I need to do this so that I can test my templates locally before uploading to ProcessWire on my site. Since I have only worked with static web pages in the past, please let me know if any of you have used a different or better approach in leveraging your Dreamweaver knowledge. I am eager to learn as much as I can as quickly as I can, and I don't want to waste any of your valuable time because you are just good people who like to help others. Therefore, please steer me to any existing documentation, tutorials or online information that I will happily study. Thank you. Bill
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