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Everything posted by elvina

  1. OK, I had to fiddle with getting the right hooks. As the page is made before the title field is entered in the repeater. So this renames the repeater page with the field title and the year field of the original page holding the repeater. $wire->addHookBefore('Pages::save', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); if($page->template->name == 'repeater_committee_section') { $title = $page->field_title; $year=date('Y', $page->getForpage()->starts); if (!empty($title)) { $page->name = $page->field_title . "-" . $year; } } });
  2. Hi, I have a repeater on a page. It is a committe with different sections, so I have each section as a repeating block containing another repeater with the members. eg. Block: title="Presidency", contains Ms J. Smith - President, Mr J. Brown - Treasurer etc Block: title="Executive Committee" contains other members. This all works fine, but when I edit in the front end, the Block editor comes up with my repeater field but says "editing block 21245454354" and opens saying "editing page 21245454354". I can see these are the page titles in the admin, but is there a way to have these pages named as the title of that block? thanks
  3. Thank you! and this version has fixed the problem I was having before you updated! My frontendlogin using a latte template was not getting redirected on login, it got stuck with the "please be patient...", but now it works all fine.
  4. Hi, I just updated to the latest version (2.1.73) and now I get an error when using FrontendLoginRegister. My login page now gets error Oh snizzle… Error: Exception: Method Link::useAriaAttributes does not exist or is not callable in this context (in wire/core/Wire.php line 563) #0 wire/core/Wire.php (419): Wire->___callUnknown('useAriaAttribut...', Array) #1 wire/core/WireHooks.php (968): Wire->_callMethod('___callUnknown', Array) #2 wire/core/Wire.php (484): WireHooks->runHooks(Object(FrontendForms\Link), 'callUnknown', Array) #3 wire/core/Wire.php (487): Wire->__call('callUnknown', Array) #4 site/modules/FrontendForms/Formelements/Form.php (2178): Wire->__call('useAriaAttribut...', Array) #5 site/modules/FrontendLoginRegister/pages/LoginPage.php (570): FrontendForms\Form->render() #6 site/modules/FrontendLoginRegister/pages/LoginPage.php (896): FrontendLoginRegister\LoginPage->render() #7 site/templates/fl_loginpage.php (10): FrontendLoginRegister\LoginPage->__toString() was there something to turn this option off?
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