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Everything posted by Soma

  1. I think this should work but you can also do $user->user_app->remove($page);
  2. Thanks Martijn. I can't see that notice here, I guess php version matters? Somehow the $value in some cases is still an array and my lazy method to get and render the settings may not account for all possible settings there is for different fields. I'm not sure it is gone now that some changes were made. I pushed another update to 1.0.6 - added settings toggle support for template field - there's even more settings being shown now for fields Thanks
  3. RT @derbatzen: The more I use @processwire, the more I like it. It's really amazing how flexible and clean it is at the same time..

  4. Just pushed an update to 1.0.5 to fix issues once again (!) - updated to account for current new development on admin theme - some optimizations - kinda fixed an issue with the new LanguageFieldsTabs. - It was getting overlayed by the tabs. Also the LanguageFieldTabs alters the field content via JS and appends the tabs, which results in my Helper links being at the top instead at the bottom! Annoying and not possible to fix from my side, but if LanguageFieldTabs.js would prepend() the tabs instead of append() it would be better. I don't see an easy way to account for this issue from my side, maybe someone has an good idea. - but for now it's on top of those fields using language tabs. - added new feature to toggle a layer when clicking on the little gear icon, with some infos on the field settings, which can be useful when developing without going to the field editing screen. There maybe still issues in some cases I haven't tested or thought of. Thanks
  5. I trink maybe imageTags.title%=$q if the tags are pages, not? And also maybe add the template of the image pages to the selector just to make it more explicit.
  6. This is mostly just for Ryan, but anyway. Something I asked myself a couple times and I think others too. The module repository on PW site shows a Last Updated date on a module page which seems to be always updated randomly or not sure how. Thing is it has nothing to do with the module being updated nor the module page itself. Could we have this date being only updated when there's a new version? For example my ModulesManager shows "November 21, 2013" and I haven't done anything to it. Confusing. Further it looks like the date coming from the json feed is different than the one on the module repository page. For ModulesManager it shows me 2013/11/22 . I think it has to do with caching, but definately something that we should look into. Thanks
  7. maybe better use $u and not $user if ($u = $session->login($username, $pass)) { echo "logged in $u->name"; } nm screw it
  8. It will save fields but you can't publish page.
  9. RT @fixateit: can’t stress this enough - goodbye #wordpress, hello #processwire! http://t.co/Nbx3Z98GmC

  10. I asked me the same some time ago. Reason being that it would have no id yet which is required by some fields like images. They're stored for the page and uploaded using ajax.
  11. I'm not sure why it's not working for you without seeing the whole. Make sure you have trailing slash disabled for the template and language are active etc.
  12. Thanks Ryan, that's what I did but not using $_POST[name] but with $field->attr("value") and it was already stripped out. Lots of confusion. Testing around and looking at database revealed the real issue. It's that there's a "stripTags" option setting for textarea fields. It looks like that was checked before it was changed to TinyMCE. Changing it to TinyMCE hides that setting but is still save in the config in DB. So kinda mean. That also explains why changing it to multilanguage field and back to textarea makes it work again. So it's a bug that must be harder to find than fix. It was tricky because I wasn't aware that much that there's a stiptags option on textarea fields that is hidden once Wywiwyg is enabled.
  13. Thanks Hani, but nothing like this. I've been looking into it right now more closely and it works for other fields, and the thing is it works only for textarea language TinyMCE fields. Normal Textarea TinyMCE fields it is broken and doesn't work and html get's stripped out. This is with dev 2.3.3. I'm currently trying an update.
  14. With MSN this could look like this: $nav = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // topnav $current = $page->rootParent(); // current root page echo $nav->render(array( 'max_levels' => 1 ), $current); // subnav echo $nav->render(array( 'max_levels' => 1 ), $page, $current);
  15. RT @reiner: Und es gibt sogar was zum letzten Blogartikel. http://t.co/dRVu1IaaDz Teilweise funktioniert @processwire genau so.

  16. A co-worker asked me what the problem could be, as the html of a normal TinyMCE textarea field gets stripped out completely. - Configuration of the field is all correct. - Turning on/off the content type html or unknown doesn't have any effect. - I then tried to hook into saveReady and echo out the value, and it has no html at all at that point. - Also hooking into before FieldtypeTextarea::sleepValue the value already has no html when it gets there. - Changing Browser doesn't have any effect. - It's a PW dev install I think 2.3.4 or 2.3.5. - I never experienced this or know of anyone here having that issue. Any ideas what to look for or try? There is no other modules or hooks that would interfere with textfields.
  17. The "fix" is just for something that is shown when debug mode on. I see, but you can actually grab that new module from github and upload it manually. Rare case, and I update minor version usually.
  18. It is up to date 1.0.9 is latest, but I didn't bother upping the version number for such small warning fix that I did shortly after commiting 1.0.9. m If you would install it new you would get 1.0.9 with that fix in. There's not separate version/copy or repo on the PW site, so it's getting it always from the github repo anyway. Or am I wrong?
  19. It's not an issue but a warning. I commited an update that removes this already some time ago.
  20. Also wanted to note taht the new Admin Theme is broken on many things (especially the new dropdown) on IE8 and not that usable/nice. Not sure how that matters at all, but we still have clients that use IE8.
  21. To the above post. ui sortable is screwed because of the addition of overflow-y: scroll on the body. It's a known bug I ran into even couple years ago and seems still there in jquery ui. pff Once you scroll the page and start dragging a item, it is offset by a margin and not on you cursor anymore, makes it impossible to drag sort or scroll. Once you remove the overflow-y: scroll from the body it's all good again. Not sure what else could fix the problem, as removing overflow-y: scroll on the body will bring back the content jumping on dropdowns that are longer than window.
  22. But you don't need the $page->setOutputFormatting(false); and $page->save() parts, and it is only temporary and lasts for the one request.
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