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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. Just a note: Last time I was thinking about comments, I've decided to try to incorporate disqus the best way possible into PW [still in the plan, though] However, anything else [including native PW comments] will say Ryan.
  2. ritch0s: our typical user certainly isn't newbie, but they are most welcomed! [web designer/developer newbies, because PW isn't currently very end-user (e.g. that blogging mother) ready ] but it will!!! *evil laugh* 8)
  3. apeisa: if you can, please note any UI errors you find into README: tomorrow or day after when I'll have time, I'll repair everything. Thank you very much!
  4. Ryan: I accidentally sent my post without finishing. Please, check modified [finished] post and reply what do you think. I also thought about what to do after, maybe you find some answers in there. The last sentence was re: send mail/save into db action if everything's ok – I think we might not automatize this part – just give the authors really good API to use pages, DB & send mails at first. Then, in the second part [when PW will be a little more user-centric (I think we are now 'web people – centric' ;D)], we can add some default editable actions and leave the advanced stuff optional.
  5. First: It should be done. Next: I think we could do this the very same way templates are done: Fields have their definitions and their 'administration-form-look', ui. If we add 'simple-form' and 'validation-rules' for this, we can actually reuse the very same fields we use in templates [or better yet, the very same types of fields]. This idea is just created: I wasn't thinking about any implications, just think about this process: 1 – add new 'form-template' 2 – define fields 3 – define 'action' php file 4 – include some tag or php code [tag is here better, because you may need to add this into wysiwyg] Then in the 'action' file you can have these pseudo-functions [ideas of priceless functions:] <?php //note: baic validation rules [required, e-mail, etc.] were defined in editor //note: also you checked 'sanitize' for fields you want have sanitized, so they are already $form->addValidationRule( /*description here*/ ); $form->addValidationRule( '{x} + {y} >= 40' ); //some math validation rules? $form->addValidationRule( /* another one */ ); if ($form->validate){ $mail = new Mail(); $db_do = new DBRecord(); $form->redirect_after = '/page/url'; } Note: if no 'redirect_after' found, system returns to 'form' page. Show errors routine if not validate can be automated: just go back to form and show errors. Note 2: As I see it, this is close to 0, if we talk about how much is done. But outlined model of form editor is very close to whole idea of PW – does the tedious stuff for you without taking away any freedom [anything you might need to customize – HTML, CSS – it's just not shown here, but we'll think it through] After longer thinking, we might come with all posiible outcomes of forms – there isn't much really – you either show message 'ok', go to 'thank you' page or go to another step [if multiple forms]. There isn't anything in between.
  6. @Ryan – Do NOT change the need to have the directory name same as module name – it sort of enforces unique names for modules and it's a good way to go Although, I hope we won't end in situation with modules like [APL_AdminBarPluseEnhanced] maybe some rule to have directories named author-moduleName or something like that (so the author's name/code won't polute the names in administration?] @apeisa: – good thing with that view link
  7. Seems on github, that you uploaded Readme.text only?
  8. There is $config->httpHost? why I created it then [when using multiple db configs]?
  9. sssimpleee [no it ain't]q server settings – every subdomain goes into root directory: m.domain.com -> domain.com [or better, looks there, btu in adress bar is still m.domain.com] .htacces – rewrite HTTP_HOST m.domain.com (.*) -> domain.com/m/$1 create mobile version of site optional: add agent sniffing script into mobil _templates and page field into every mobile page. in the page would be set this content's URL in desktop version and if agent sniffer finds desktop browser, redirects browser there [i.e. away from mobile version] As for server settings – some hosts have configurable options for subdomains [my main host has: no subs, every sub that exist and every sub that exists and rest redirect to root]. Adam
  10. I'm cool, I did the UI, remember? Nah, J/K ;D I'm calm now Update: I'm just playing with code: I have latest /wire, modules.php applied, but showModal and initCollapsed still return empty string, no matter what the option really is. Trying to find out. Update: I just read the rest of this thread again, I'm an idiot, and I will wait with all changes, until Ryan repairs the modules code.
  11. @Sevarf: remember, it's first [understand: FIRST] iteration, there is mroe things that need to be polished. We'll get to it (and I believe this for both me and apeisa)
  12. @Sevarf2: Actually, the /site/ folder you keep... you delete the /wire/ one @apeisa: I see the settings are not yet plugged in? [i.e. changing them did nothing]
  13. Oh snap! It works great, I love it! I think we should add 2 checkboxes – show 'pages' and 'add child' in shortcuts (I've seen you've commented it out and I would love it there ;D) Adam
  14. Me neither – I've installed it, but it doesn't show anything. The reason, however, is in this line: $event->return = str_ireplace('</body>', $out, $event->return); $event->return is empty in my case.
  15. Hello boys, nice to see this thing rolling' On-topic: I don't know if I'll have time to check the module out right now, but I would love to work on it, so apeisa, please, create github account for it [or I can, if you wish], so we can synchronize better. If you don't have account / haven't work with git before, try some nice GUI for it and just dive in as I did – i still no almost nothing about it and love it already. Off-topic: I'm currently working on new UX / UI design for PW administration – it's quite well thought out, brings some new stuff, some 'nice-somebody-thought-of-this' moments and nice design too, however, I have so much work [some of it will be brought back to PW though!] that I can't do everything at once! From the things I would like to introduce [and some already mentioned to ryan]: Text & description of field configurable in template, so you can re-use fields with better description for clients a little better managment of content multilinguality – it's almost finished (how it will work), I have to implement it into design (not finished) and talk to ryan how to do it 'add another' – I would love to have a nice button after you save a page to have quick option of adding another partials/strings system to manage little pieces of text needed anywhere in templates (+1 on multilinguality and convenience) There is much more in little and big stuff, but basically I'm trying to translate the great PHP workflow into UX/UI.
  16. Ryan, as I see it, currently this settings are needed: boolean showModal: whether edit opens modal box or goes to administration boolean initCollapsed: whether to init collapsed or not page administration: where to go after clicking on 'administration' (optional, pages makes most sense i think) OT: Ryan, you as moderator should be the last one to double post ;D there is 'modify' button
  17. @apeisa: I may have to finish tooltips later on and test/debug IE6-8. Also note: it is also no-JS working. if no JS is present, it just stays fixed & extended at [0;100], but links and all data work
  18. what is in your 'category' value? ID? name? URL? Clarify!
  19. apeisa: I actually went ahead and coded it I needed a little fun. Anyway, preview & download link here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5392092/processwire-editbar/index.htm re: base link: what do you mean under base link? something like 'http://www.example.com/pw_test/'?
  20. Ryan: send me an e-mail with modified SMF CSS file and I could do it If you will give me access to server [although i doubt that] or create me separate FTP account just for css folder of smf, I could also test it and put it live.
  21. Just UI – actually, just this quick-bar so far [edit, new page, view 'pages'] it's actually for you – if you wish, we can take your code and put it together so, far, I have two things for you [or me] to do [if you send me the code – or create github repo]: - setting for initial state: small / expanded - edit page in: modal / administration I will do both UI/CSS if you wish, or I can send you just PSDs Adam
  22. Hi, my advice is generally simple: create structure like this [example]: - subpage1 - subpage2 - subpage 2.1 - subpage 2.2 - subpage 2.3 - subpage3 - important-information - membership - about us - the third thing now, the code for your top menu should be: $data-for-foreach = $pages->find("parent=0|/important-information/"); and your left navigation: $data-for-foreach = $pages->get('/')->children('name!=important-information'); special left sublists: foreach($data-for-foreach as $p){ addItem($p) //pseudocode, add your own menu adding routine if ($p->numChildren) { opensublist(); //pseudocode foreach($p->children as $c){ addItem($c); } closesublist(); //pseudocode } } However, this will do a little different navigation then you currently have [i.e. you won't have the same styling, until you don't wrap single pages like 'Employment / Volunteer Opportunites *' into 'Opportunities' page. Adam
  23. I think it's for client – again, either just tell them or page::save() beforeHook, that will check for existence of some fields and if left blank, will halt save() routine and return to edit page with the top message set [that should be possible]. However, I don't think there is inline validation [i.e. erroneous fields red or something]
  24. I think there is currently no default value, so until that's added/resolved, I think creating some custom module with page::save() hook is your best bet. You just hook on save [before/after, doesn't matter] and edit 'default' fields with default value if blank.
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