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About sivsy

  • Birthday 01/09/1969

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  1. Many thanks @matjazp for your time looking at this. Yes, I will report this issue on github. I find using UNC on my Windows Web Server excruciatingly slow sometimes when browsing to my development sites but once uploaded to live with my hosting providers, my ProcessWire sites are extremely quick loading, even without using template caching etc.
  2. Hi @matjazp - sorry I haven't responded to your last post, I have been away from the work office for a few days. I'm not too sure how to share my configuration but have attached a screenshot of the Advanced settings for the site in IIS7 I have changed the Physical Path from a UNC one ie. \\ALPHA\Development\NOL Network\Website to a mapped drive equivalent. The Path Credentials are set to the admin server logon (this is the only user login I use on this server) This is set using the 'Specific User' option. All works okay with UNC notation but I get 500 Server Error when browsing if I use the mapped drive - I have tried changing to the 'Application User (pass through)' option, but this does not work. The share I am using is located on a Linux NAS (A Buffalo Terastation which has a different username/login to the NAS admin control panel - irrelevant I guess for directory permissions) I am unsure what I need to do within the site settings to allow the use of a mapped drive instead of UNC - searching other forums (IIS.net, Microsoft etc.), the general consensus is to not use mapped drives but use UNC, but this is likely the cause of the issues I get with PW version 3.0.118 or newer so I cannot see how this could be resolved. In the longer term I would be looking to replace my IIS web server with a LAMP set up for development, but this will be some way off.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion @matjazp I do already have a drive letter mapped to the NAS share on the Windows Server so changed the settings in IIS for one of the sites to use this instead but then encountered a 500 Server Error in the browser. I'm no expert in Web Server configuration and have been using the UNC notation for all IIS served sites for many, many years without issue and don't really want to change the way I configure sites in IIS if I don't have to. I may just have to work with processwire versions prior to 3.0.118 for all new sites going forward. Live sites shouldn't be an issue as all my client's sites are hosted with Linux.
  4. After upgrading two development sites from version 3.0.114 to the now Master 3.0.123, I am now encountering issues with image uploads / resizing when trying to add any image (that incidentally resizes to a width of 800px on upload) and also after changing some code to set a new width on existing images that are output as thumbnails within a slideshow thumbnail navigation. The error states the following - pathname may not contain double slash “//” If I revert back to my previous version of the 'wire' directory, all is ok. I am running IIS7 on a Windows Server (for development) with files residing on a NAS box on the network - Sites in IIS7 are mapped to the NAS box network name ie. \\ALPHA\Development\.... and IP address/port number combinations used to view the sites - this is the development set up that has been running for a number of years and currently runs over 20 ProcessWire sites with no issues (certainly up to version 3.0.114) Two of the errors I get are: pathname may not contain double slash “//” (in \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\modules\Inputfield\InputfieldFile\InputfieldFile.module line 791) The above is when adding an image to a page in Admin. and ... Error: Exception: pathname may not contain double slash “//” (in \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\WireFileTools.php line 486) #0 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\WireFileTools.php(821): ProcessWire\WireFileTools->allowPath('//ALPHA/DEVELOP...', false, true) #1 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\WireTempDir.php(353): ProcessWire\WireFileTools->filePutContents('//ALPHA/DEVELOP...', 1548003024) #2 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\WireTempDir.php(164): ProcessWire\WireTempDir->mkdir('//ALPHA/DEVELOP...', true) #3 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\PagefilesManager.php(623): ProcessWire\WireTempDir->get() #4 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\Pageimage.php(703): ProcessWire\PagefilesManager->getTempPath() #5 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\Pageimage.php(552): ProcessWire\Pageimage->___size(100, 0, Array) #6 \\ALPHA\DEVELOPMENT\NOL Network\Website\wire\core\Pageimage.php(865): ProcessWire\Pageimage->size( when an existing image is trying to resize on the fly after changing code to display images with a defined width. I noticed that in WireFileTools.php there is a reference on line 414 in the notes near to where this error occurs that says '@since 3.0.118' Has anyone come across this issue at all or does anyone have an idea about how I can resolve it?
  5. Many thanks @Sérgio for your suggestions and advice ! Kind Regards Paul
  6. Thanks @szabesz for your comments. Much appreciated. The idea to use the responsive slideset (a uikit component) was to allow users to browse through projects either with mouse or touch but without revealing all projects down the page in a grid. When viewing in tablet portrait, only 2 items are shown at once and with mobile phone, you get one at a time. It would be nice to not show the nav arrows when the number of items is less than/equal to 3 (or 2 for tablet, or 1 for phone) and I hoped the uikit Slidenav component would do this but unfortunately it doesn't. I will be looking at how this could be achieved. Throughout the site, we use image slideshows or slidesets for consistent navigation through what could be an unknown number of images that the client may wish to use to illustrate a project, a sector or a discipline. The idea of having random ordered items is to mix up old and new projects and ensure the same projects don't always appear in the same order. If users want to 'search' for specific projects they can use the sector and discipline filters which are also linked in to specific sector and discipline description pages. Cheers Paul
  7. www.bcal.co.uk A website redevelopment for a UK based civil and structural engineering practice. The previous site, built with classic asp, was looking old and was not responsive. The client, however, was very happy with it and it took some persuasion to get them to agree to a new site. This new site is one of my first Processwire sites - two more are in development and due to go live very soon. The main focus of the site is the 'Projects' portfolio which displays projects randomly in a carousel and the list can be filtered by sector and/or discipline. Each project can have a slideshow and be tagged to specific sectors and disciplines. The website also includes current vacancies (with online application forms), latest news articles, sector descriptions, discipline descriptions, map and directions, and narrative pages. PW Version: 2.6.7 with uikit - used Formbuilder for application forms. www.bcal.co.uk Any comments, issues, or suggestions welcome. Paul (www.keywave.com)
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