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Operator '^=' is not yet supported for fields native to pages table


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You could do something like this:

$tpl = $templates->find('name^=basic-')->first();
$pa = $pages->find("template=$tpl");

more likely...

$pa = new PageArray();
$tpl = $templates->find('name^=basic-');
foreach($tpl as $tp) {
   $pa->import( $pages->find("template=$tp") );


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I've left that to you Ryan... was going to put it but thought someone else will ;)

BTW why can't this work? with 12,32,42,42 instead of |, would be even shorter ? :D

$pa = $pages->find('template=' . $templates->find('name^=basic-'));

EDIT: Problem is it doesn't seem to work for me here. ?

EDIT: Ok got it

This is the right one:

$pa = $pages->find("template=" . implode("|", $templates->find('name^=basic-')->getArray())); 
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Comma can't be used to separate the template names because comma is used to separate individual components of a selector. However, the default output of WireArray::__toString isn't really that useful at present, so I've modified it to return a selector compatible string instead (like PageArray does). So if you've got the latest commit, you can do this (copied from your example):

$pa = $pages->find('template=' . $templates->find('name^=basic-')); 
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