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Mega Menu


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Hi everybody,

I want to set up a mega menu. I have been experimenting for a couple of hours, but I am stuck. What would be the best approach for this?  Can someone guide me in the right direction please? Any hint will be greatly appreciated! This is the HTML I want to use:

<ul class="mega-menu">

    <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <!-- slideout -->
    <li aria-haspopup="true">
        <a href="#">Menu Item</a>
        <div class="grid-container12">
            <div class="grid-column3">
                    <li><a href="#">First element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Second element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Third element</a></li>
            <div class="grid-column3">
                    <li><a href="#">First element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Second element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Third element</a></li>
            <div class="grid-column3">
                    <li><a href="#">First element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Second element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Third element</a></li>
            <div class="grid-column3">
                    <li><a href="#">First element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Second element</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Third element</a></li>
    <!--/slideout -->

    <li><a href="#">Menu Item</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Menu Item</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Menu Item</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Menu Item</a></li>

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if you're asking about how to structure the code to output that markup, then i can say that if i had to do a mega menu, i would setup a page tree branch for the menu items and use fields and templates to create the nested structure you need;

either that or use options/page selects to specify the structure and then create a function to parse the pages into the megamenu

if you could post your current code that might help... it really comes down to where you're getting the pages from and where these headlines are coming from... are they the parent page of the menu item, or parent page of a page that you're pulling into the menu

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Hi Macrura,

thanks for your quick reply! My problem is not about the HTML/CSS, in which I am good enough. It's about the implementation with PHP and Processwire. Sorry that I have not communicated that clearly enough.

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right - ok cool.. i'm sure once you see how easy it is to build a mega menu with PW you'll be awestruck...

so initially to get it going, can you provide some details of the page structure, and whether you want to build a custom menu or build the menu off pages..

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The menu can use the normal tree, which is looking like that:

|--  Level 1  
+-- Level 1
|    |
|    +-- Level 2
|         |-- Level 3
|         |-- Level 3
|         |-- Level 3
|    +-- Level 2
|    +-- Level 2
|    +-- Level 2
|-- Level 1
|-- Level 1
|-- Level 1
|-- Level 1

All Level 2 items are empty pages and unclickable from somewhere. They are only for holding and ornanizing the 3rd level pages. The headlines inside the HTML are the titles of the level 2 pages and not clickable. Just plain text.

My main problem is that I have too little php knowledge yet. I'm coming from the Wordpress world and did the most things with plugins, so far. Stupid, I know, but I want to change that now. So I have studied this posting from you with great interest, but only understood half, unfortunately ;-)


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here's a first try though untested as of yet...

worked on this a bit...

 *  render markup menu for bootstrap nested navigation
 * @param  PageArray  $pa     pages of the top level items
 * @param  Page  $root   root page optional, if you use other root than home page (id:1)
 * @param  string  $output for returned string collection
 * @param  integer $level  internally used to count levels
 * @return string          menu html string
function renderChildrenOf($pa, $root = null, $output = '', $level = 0) {
    if(!$root) $root = wire("pages")->get(1);
    $output = '';
    foreach($pa as $child) {
        $has_children = count($child->children()) ? true : false;
        $opening = '';
        $closing = '';
        if($has_children && $child === $root) {
            $output .= "\n\t<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>\n";
        if(!$has_children) {
            $output    .= "\t<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>\n";
        if($has_children && $child !== $root) {
            if($level == 1) {
                $opening  = "\t<li aria-haspopup='true'>\n<a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a>\n<div class='grid-container12'>\n";
                $closing  = "</div>\n</li>\n";
            if($level == 2) {
                $opening = "\n<div class=\"grid-column3\">\n<h4>{$child->title}</h4>\n<ul>\n";
                $closing = "</ul>\n</div>\n";
        $output .= $opening;
        // If this child is itself a parent and not the root page, then render its children in their own menu too...
        if($has_children && $child !== $root) {
            $output .= renderChildrenOf($child->children(), $root, $output, $level);
        $output .= $closing;

    return $output . "\n";

it's also easier in this case to specify the outer markup and let the function do the rest..

$root = $pages->get(1);
$pa = $root->children();
echo '<ul class="mega-menu">';
echo renderChildrenOf($pa,$root);
echo '</ul>';

but probably you'll need to work on it because this really only works with that exact page tree structure..

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Ah okay, I understand and have completed it. Thank you, Pauline! Now there is an output, but only the outer html:

<ul class="mega-menu"></ul>

The inner part ($output) is missing. What am I doing wrong?

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Thanks for the hint, diego! It is something like that, isn't it?

$root = $pages->get(1);
$pa = $root->children;
$pa = $pa->prepend($root);

echo renderChildrenOf($pa);

Now, the li's are there, but the hierarchy is wrong. I'm getting only "home" and 3rd-level items. I've tried around with ->parents and so on, without success, but it feels pretty close...

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yeah - sorry forgot to tell you how to echo it.. that should work in think, but you can also do this:

$root = $pages->get(1); 
$pa = $root->children();
echo renderChildrenOf($pa,$root);

didn't test that code so not totally sure it will work yet... will try and test later...

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No problem, I'm learning a lot with this process.

Few things are still mixed up a bit. So, the grid-container12 div is empty and the li's are not really inside the grid-column3 divs, or only in one of them...

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