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Next / previous page linking

Marty Walker

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This is my first post here and I'm a bit of a php noob - but willing to learn nonetheless. I really like approach of this CMS. I think it'd be a fantastic offering to a lot of my clients.

My first question (probably of many) is regarding next/previous page linking. I'm picking through the demo site code and say, for example I'm on the About Us > Child page example 1. How would I go about adding a next / previous page link that works only on that level?

Thanks & regards


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That's a very good question. I was just going to reply that you should use the next/prev page methods, until I realized I haven't yet implemented this part in PW2 (it us in PW1). Surprisingly, the need just hadn't yet come up in PW2 (at least in my projects). I will implement, hopefully today or tomorrow and then reply again with an example of how to use.

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Hi Martin,

Welcome to the forums!

To answer your question, you may want to take a look here to get a general idea of the Pagination module:


That should be a good place to start. You will also want to think about using a different selector to get the sibling pages instead of a general list of pages. Maybe you want to sort them by page name, etc.

$results = $page->siblings("sort=name");
echo $results->render();

Instead of the code in the example:

$results = $pages->find("id>1, limit=10, sort=title");
echo $results->render();

I actually haven't used this myself yet, but hopefully this will give you a good place to start!

Good Luck!


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Jim, actually I'm thinking Martin's talking about the next/previous sibling, rather than pagination. Though reading it again, now I'm not sure. :) Martin, can you confirm? Either way, I do need to add those next/prev sibling API functions.

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Hi everyone,

Ryan, that's exactly what I meant.

Jim, actually I'm thinking Martin's talking about the next/previous sibling, rather than pagination. Though reading it again, now I'm not sure. :) Martin, can you confirm? Either way, I do need to add those next/prev sibling API functions.

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I've added the next() and prev() functions and properties to the Page class, so that you can now use them. I've updated the reference information here: http://processwire.com/api/variables/page/


echo "<p>The next page is: {$page->next->title}</p>";
echo "<p>The previous page is: {$page->prev->title}</p>";

...but be sure to see the reference as there are more options and considerations (for large scale) on these kinds of functions.

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