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index.php not found after install, 404 error


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Hi, I just installed processwire locally under OS X 10.7. I want to try it because it seems to be exactly what I need for several projects.

At first I had the this problem and the solution in that post worked (although I had to change the specific httpd.conf of my OS X user account, which overrides the general httpd.conf). Now apache reads my .htaccess. The problem is that now I am getting the same 404 error on all links except the home page, including the admin page:

Not Found

The requested URL /Users/pascal/Sites/process/index.php was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.20 (Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.3.6 with Suhosin-Patch Server at pascal-pc.localdomain Port 80

I have searched the forum but have not encountered any solution. Does anyone have an idea? Can't wait to dig into ProcessWire.

Thanks in advance for your support!

EDIT: I just noticed that visiting the root directory (/process in my case) takes me to the home page. The links seem to be correct (/process/about/, /process/templates/, etc. and /process/processwire/ for the admin login) but every link that goes deeper into the structure results in the above 404 error, no matter if they seem correct or if I use random characters like /process/asdfgh/.

Edited by Pascal
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Edit the /.htaccess file that appears in the root of the PW install. There is a line in there that refers to "RewriteBase". Try uncommenting this line and typing your dir into it. This is needed on some installs (though rarely).

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  • 1 year later...

hello!! I have the same problem, error 404. I can't solve the problem on the .htaccess. Please help me how I can fix this. 

the line that contanis the rewrite base is:  

 # RewriteBase /

  # RewriteBase /pw/
  # RewriteBase /~user/
is it anything wrong??
thanks for your help!! 
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Hi Bruno

A few questions which will help people to help you:

Have you installed ProcessWire in the root of your website or in a sub-directory? If a sub-directory, what is it's name?

When you installed, did you specify a directory for admin, or did you leave it at the default "processwire?"

What server have you installed this on? Is it on your local machine (xampp or wamp or mamp installation) or is it a shared server/vps/dedicated?

If it is a shared server or other, do you know if it is an Apache server, another nix based server or is is a Windows server?


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hello!! I have the same problem, error 404. I can't solve the problem on the .htaccess. Please help me how I can fix this. 

the line that contanis the rewrite base is:  

 # RewriteBase /

  # RewriteBase /pw/
  # RewriteBase /~user/
is it anything wrong??
thanks for your help!! 

You need to remove the "#" in front of ONE RewriteBase (# marks the line as comment)

So you should try first:

RewriteBase /

If it doen't work, add your subdirectory where the Pw-files live. For example, if you have your site at http://localhost/foobar, you would add this line:

RewriteBase /foobar/
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HI Bruno,

Just to check.

When you look at your directory either on cpanel or filezilla, what is the path to your processwire installation? Is it something like:


or is there an additional directory:


or perhaps



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Thats a pity - I had hoped you had a stray sub directory in there.

And you didn't change the name of the admin page when you installed? There is an option for it - it doesn't create an actual directory, just changed the name of the admin page.

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és português certo? apenas me aparece a página do processwire. Mal carrego num link ele dá me o tal erro 404!!

não consigo entender o que se está a passar!! 

obrigado e um abraço


I didn't change nothing. I didn't touch on the admin's name.

thanks a lot.

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I would bet that this web host is not reading the .htaccess file or does not support RewriteEngine. Put a bunch of junk characters at the top of your .htaccess file, like "alkjaefkjafjkef" and save. You should get a 500 error when you try to view anything on your site. That means it's working. If you don't get a 500 error, then your web host is not reading your .htaccess file and you need to ask them to fix it. 

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