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Implement array_chunk()


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Don't know if you can already do this, but implementing PHPs array_chunk method would be pretty useful..

For example

$list = $pages->find("template=something"); // Returns 5 pages

$chunked = $list->chunk(3);



  0=> array(
  1=> array(

Especially useful if you're trying to print pages into columns.

Can you already do this?

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This looks similar to (but a little simpler than) pagination to me. Have you tried a straight pagination solution to this?

Otherwise, something like this might do if you don't need access to the $page objects themselves...

$list = $pages->find('whatever');

$titles = array();
foreach ($list as $p) {
    $titles[] = $p->title;

$chunked = array_chunk($titles, 3);


Even simpler, plus you get access to the object with all its data;

$list = $pages->find('whatever');
$chunked = array_chunk($list->getArray(), 3);

// Output plaintext titles by iterating over chunks and pages in chunks.
// Access protected fields as needed using $page->fieldname and format as required.
foreach ($chunked as $i => $chunk) {
    echo "Chunk $i\n";
    foreach ($chunk as $page) {
        echo $page->title, "\n";
Edited by netcarver
Updated second example to show how to access fields.
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Thanks Sinmok and netcarver. It would be really useful when we are using a front-end framework like Bootstrap. 

 $list = $pages->find("template=basic-page"); // Returns 5 pages
 $chunked = array_chunk($list->getArray(), 3);

<?php foreach($chunked as $i => $row): ?>
  <div class='row'>
  <?php foreach($row as $item) : ?>
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <?php echo $item->title; ?>    
  <?php endforeach; ?>    
<?php endforeach; ?>                    
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