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Use GZip

Nico Knoll

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This is something I don't know much about yet and need to do more research. You've got me curious. Looking at Drupal7, it looks like they do it with PHP, though only if one specifically enables some page_compression and cache options. I only see reference to it in their /includes/bootstrap.inc for serving pages from the cache. It looks like it involves checking a lot of $_SERVER variables to verify gzip support, delivering a "content-encoding: gzip" header and spitting out the gzipped data when appropriate. They create the gzipped data with PHP's gzencode function. It appears that they only use it for delivering data from the cache. That makes me think that the gzencode is potentially slow and they are caching and performing the gzencode after delivering a page where it can be picked up from the cache by the next request. What's interesting is that they gzip the cache data even if not supported by the client and they gzinflate it at runtime for clients that don't support it. I suppose this makes sense, and a good way to keep smaller cache sizes.  This is something we'll probably want to implement in PW's core PageRender module at some point.

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