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PageTable Children Issue

Jonathan Lahijani

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Is it possible that child pages created WITHOUT the PageTable interface can still appear in the PageTable list?

This issue is hard to explain so I will do my best with an example of the problem...

Let's say you have a page template called 'product'.  This 'product' template can have child pages called 'option'.

So, you create a page using the 'product' template called 'Widget'.

You then create 3 options using the 'option' template.  These options as child pages of the 'Widget' page.

Then one day you decide rather than having to create child pages the typical ProcessWire way, you take advantage of the PageTable field and use that to create these 'option' child pages since it's a slicker way to do it.

The problem with this is the original 'option' child pages WILL NOT APPEAR in the PageTable field list.  The only child pages that appear in the PageTable field are the ones that were created using the PageTable interface.

Does this make sense?

Perhaps the screenshot attached will help.


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Macrura has developed module for this scenario (I think):


The other thing - if you just want to make use of creating child pages with the PageTable interface, rather than actually use them in a PageTable field, check out:


The latest version's edit mode works very similarly to the PageTable edit mode - take a look at the screenshot for "3. Edit" in the first post. You can add new, sort, delete, quickly rename, and click to edit all fields in a modal popup.

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