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Is it possible to have 2 has_parent= selectors?


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My query would be:

has_parent=1019, has_parent=1056

Not using the |

Say the first one is a state, and the second is a city.  My code may build both depending on if the second says all in this state, or only one location. (Children of 1056)

If I need to, I can probably change it to clear out the first one, just wanted to know if having more than one is possible!


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Yes, you can use the selector that way (i.e. | will not work, but multiple declarations are fine)...although in your example, I don't see the need of the State since what you really want are the City's children? Meaning, you don't actually need has_parent but $variable->children() ?  :-)



Edited by kongondo
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You are correct.  I am going to try to take it out soon but the code right now passes both!  It was a weird situation where the pages may or may not have a city as a parent.   :D

Thanks for the help!

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