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Get child of $page.rootParent


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Hello, I have a site hyerarchy like this:




How can I get always 'blue', wherever I am? Mind that I have many colors...


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Thanks Macrura, I only wish it was so easy...
The script is in a code I include in many pages, so it's highly dynamic
I tried $page->rootParent->child, but I get the first element of the array, which is always blue.

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How can I get always 'blue', wherever I am? Mind that I have many colors...

I tried $page->rootParent->child, but I get the first element of the array, which is always blue.

First you always want to get blue and then you don't want to always get blue. Can you please give more detail on what you actually want to achieve?

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Use parents() or closest(). If those color pages have a own template use that in the selector for closest() or parents(). Or parents()->eq(n) where n is the level of color pages.

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Use parents() or closest(). If those color pages have a own template use that in the selector for closest() or parents(). Or parents()->eq(n) where n is the level of color pages.

Uhh, closest, I love that method, I use it in jQuery very frequently.

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