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Can Pro Cache be installed to the Core?


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Hi, can Pro Cache be installed to the core rather than the site modules directory? I'm hoping to run multiple sites from one core and would like to install Pro Cache once and then forget about it. So far I've found nothing to say it's not possible but I feel the .htaccess edits may be the reason I haven't seen a definite yes to my question.

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You could install it in /wire/modules/ rather than /site/modules/. However, I don't recommend doing that because it'll get overwritten every time you upgrade the core, which would be a bigger problem than having multiple copies of it. Use symbolic links instead (for /site/modules/ProCache/) and you'll only have to keep one copy of the ProCache files. 

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Thanks, I think we'll stick with installing it to our base site which we copy for new sites. Out of curiosity, what gets overwritten when ProcessWire is upgraded? The entire Pro Cache module or just the cache and htaccess rules?

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A PW upgrade overwrites the wire directory, the main index.php and the .htaccess file (although it's rare for these two files to change).

A module and it's cache folder (and anything else under site) is untouched.

Upgrading to a new version of the Procache module would only overwrite the module files in site/modules/ProCache. The actual cache of pages would be untouched.

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How does the upgrade alter the index.php and the .htaccess file on a multisite setup? Will the installer need to be run on each site? I was under the impression that upgrading ProcessWire was as simple as just replacing the wire folder and you're done.

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