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how to display role of users?


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I have this code, and 2 things do not work: sort by roles, and display the role of each user.

I did read in the API I can use $type = $child->get("roles"); echo $type; but that seems a bit over the top, or not?

Furthermore, as I understand, any extra role added will also be using the guest role. Why is that???

if($user->hasRole("member"))  $selects = $users->find("roles=company");
if($user->hasRole("company")) $selects = $users->find("roles=member");
if($user->hasRole("superuser")) $selects = $users->find("roles=member|company, sort=-roles");

foreach($selects as $child) { ?>

        <div class="medium-6 columns"><?php echo $child->name; ?></div>
        <div class="medium-6 columns"><?php // display role ?></div>

<?php } ?>

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So in the first foreach I need to cycle through the second one?

edit -

Maybe it's easier to just use $selects = pages->find("template=user"); in this case it's the superuser, which has right to see all...

And I believe on the user template I can acces the field roles, am I right?

edit - this did not work either

Btw, does anyone know why the role guest is present in all other roles.?

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I'm not sure what you are trying to acomplish. Anyway the folowing code prints all the roles and name of the role for the current user

foreach($user->roles as $role) {
    echo "Role: {$role} = {$role->name} <br>";

Or if you need the role for a specific user

$u = $users->get('admin');
foreach($u->roles as $role) {
    echo "Role: {$role} = {$role->name} <br>";

All anonymous visitors, loggedin users, admins etc... by default have the guest role

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