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Default PW install sidebar?


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Quick question:

The default PS install has a sidebar_item in the main head.inc template file:

<div class='sidebar_item'>


					// if the current page has a populated 'sidebar' field, then print it,
					// otherwise print the sidebar from the homepage
					if($page->sidebar) echo $page->sidebar; 
						else echo $homepage->sidebar; 



The thing I notice is that the all the pages in the default site will echo the Summary text from the Home page. I was expecting the other pages to print the text from the individual summaries?

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  1. Go to the admin.
  2. Edit the page "about".
  3. write "lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala" in the field called "sidebar".
  4. save the page.
  5. open the "about" page in the browser.


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The clue is here:

if($page->sidebar) echo $page->sidebar;
                        else echo $homepage->sidebar;

It literally means "if this page has a value in the sidebar field, echo that, else echo the sidebar text from the homepage".

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