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building a structure - need some guidelines


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Hello all,

Sorry to bother you all again - but I need help from the guru's here!

Normally I would have a table with fields for example like:

company | city | job

job | skill | contract | city

In the front-end I would normally have links which could point to those tables

  1. Since there are relationships in a database - I understand I have to see a page like a row in the database - but then how do I need to look at this: displaying the page company | city | job - all in one template?
  2. What is the best way to combine certain selects (pages) from back-end to front-end?
  3. Judging by the fields I mentioned, I would need to make 5 selects (pages), meaning around 120 pages - no problem there.

So I eventually need to combine those fields in different ways to make a link:

I checked my first select field out, and noticed if I use menu>search I do get the result back as a link. But the link goes straight to that page. I had the impression all links would lead to one-page only - a template file on the server that displays results from this link!

So I am not talking about the front-end in regards to css and all - but more talking about what is the best way to set up select, text, and other fields - and how to acomplish what I need.

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See how the default profile is organized. Study it well, there are lots of answers there. I read somewhere that you started with the skyscrapers profile, and it must be turning your head around :) forget that one until you understood the default.

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