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Body rises—why didn't I do *that* before?


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Sorry to talk shop down the pub (as it were) but I just did something simple that made editing much nicer :)

This is something that perhaps lots of us already do but I didn't.

I rearranged my templates so the Body (and Sidebar if you have one, so the main content edit areas) are first in the template.

Now when I create a new page I have to scroll down once to name it (subtitle it, whatever). But every other time I open it to edit copy the fields I from that point on almost always need are at the top :)

I was just so glad I'd realized my mistake in not doing this until now I just had to share... Right, as you were and back to proper pub talk.

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I *do* know I can collapse fields but I've not made tabs. That sounds clever, how do you do that?

PS: I was really just looking at the most basic "LIKE DUH!" moment I had when I realized a supremely simple change and then every edit where I kept scrolling down to edit, edit-scroll down, edit-scroll down, edit-scroll down, edit-scroll down, edit-scroll down, etc was unnecessary. Then I realized I was a clutz ;)

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You can even make columns with fieldsets. Tabs and fieldsets are just special fields you create that are actually two fields one for open and one for closing. PW creates the closing *_END automaticly. You then add them to the template and wrap fields with them. You also only need to add the opening fieldset/tab field and after saving PW will automaticly attach the _END field too. 

I'm surprised so many people miss them, as they are also in the field dropdown when creating fields. FieldsetOpen, FieldsetTabOpen.

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