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Non-developer friendly value for checkbox


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InputfieldCheckbox does actually support use of an alternate value for a checked or unchecked value (i.e. Yes/No), but you won't see it except in FormBuilder or in your own usage of the Inputfield. That's because FieldtypeCheckbox does not support different values for these. The reason is that they all map to 0 or 1 in the database, and I think it could get confusing if people start thinking of checkbox fields like text fields when it comes to searching/sorting, etc. So from the development sense, it's best to think of a checkbox field as a boolean or on/off toggle, and you can determine what the on/off state means from your code. This also makes it easy to translate for multi-language support, i.e. 

echo "Likes spicy food? "; 
echo $page->spicy ? __('Yes') : __('No'); 

Okay it's early in the morning here and I'm going back and reading your question again and seeing you mean within the context of locked fields and I see what you mean (appearance of "1" in editor just isn't so useful). I suppose we could always have FieldtypeCheckbox's formatValue() function translate the 0 or 1 to some other text (this is essentially what formatValue is for, though not typically used in admin setting). I'll keep thinking on this, it might be a good idea. 

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