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Bug: Repeater Language Title only default


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Multilanguage support installed. Latest PW dev.

A repeater with the page title language.

When adding a new item to the repeater, the title field only shows 1 input and not for all languages. This is on first time adding item, after saving I get

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/pw2-dev/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupport.module on line 209
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/pw2-dev/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportFields.module on line 131

Only after saving the page yet once again , the page title are shown correct in repeater with input for each language.

Anybody abel to reproduce this? It happens all in different installs I have.

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This also maybe has to do with repeater field being added to pages that already exist. 

I created repeater via API on those pages and once I open them in the admin I get the notice above and only default text input instead one for each language. Once I reload the page the notice is gone and the title language field is again correctly showing language inputs.

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Something related to this maybe.

Another detail I'm seeing is that repeater pages that are saved in the admin branch don't have the status for alternative language set to active. Is this intended or was it missed somehow? Since I can't set it via the repeater I think they should be active by default? Not sure what the intention is/was.

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I'm actually getting a different but similar result here, so can confirm there must be an issue. I hadn't noticed it before because I've always kept my multi-language repeaters as having no ready items. For me, I start to experience strangeness (like multi-language fields having only an input for default language) when my ready items is set to some number greater than 0. In your case, I'm assuming you have ready items > 0, and that changing it to 0 would fix it, so that's what I'd suggest for now. But I'm going to try and fix this here soon. Is this already on the GitHub issues list or should I add it?

Another detail I'm seeing is that repeater pages that are saved in the admin branch don't have the status for alternative language set to active. Is this intended or was it missed somehow? Since I can't set it via the repeater I think they should be active by default? Not sure what the intention is/was.

This one I had run into myself before and had fixed it (a few weeks ago). Are you sure this is still occurring, or is it from a repeater that possibly was created before the issue was fixed? It's always possible I've not found the right fix for that, so I will test a little more here. But let me know if you think this is most likely still a current issue and not just something present on an older repeater. Edit: just tested and confirmed the issue is fixed (here at least)–my repeater items are active for all languages. I still need to test with ready items > 0, as I'm guessing the two issues from this thread may be related entirely to that. 

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  • 5 months later...


I have also a problem with a repeater that contains 2 fields (one float and one integer - no translations needed). It stores prices for different durations. The site is in french (default) and english. This field seems to be empty in the english version...

Exemple : 

No prices "Prices: (empty)"  in http://www.bainsdelea-paris.com/en/gift-vouchers/ (NOW OK after adding new values and saving)

but ok for http://www.bainsdelea-paris.com/bons-cadeaux/

I have tried a long time to resolve this problem, have you an idea ?

Thanks a lot for this wonderfull  CMS!

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if I add a next value in the repeater now this new value appears in the page but not the old one (the first is invisible).

I have uploaded the latest version of repeater module on Github but it's always wrong. 

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I have not resolved this problem but i've  edited each page to add new values and delete the previous fields in the repeater. Now the fields are well displayed in the 2 languages. It's like they had been only saved in default language the first time.

Is it linked to the problem of this topic ?


The bug always exists in the last version 2.4.

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