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Organizing output by multiple repeater fields


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I have stepped out of my league. I have a competition results page that I'm working on. It's an agricultural fair with a largest vegetable weighoff and since each grower entering the competition usually has multiple entries  I opted to create a grower page with name, location, contact etc. for each grower and then a repeater to document each entry. The repeater includes a category page select in radio button form so staff can input the category of veg with a single click, plus a results field for the weight. Then if the same grower has another entry they just click the add item button and don't have to keep entering the grower's personal information.

I need to output the data and organize by category first then the weight in descending order. Since the category is in a repeater I created a new array and added in the relevant data for all the growers and their entries. Then I used a trick I found here to sort using usort first by category then result (weight) and it works. Code is here:

            $ag = $pages->find("template=grower, $selector");
            $wor = array();
                foreach($ag as $g) {
                    foreach($g->$weighoff as $gent) {
                        $wor[$i]->cat = $gent->grower_category;
                        $wor[$i]->res = $gent->grower_result;
                        $wor[$i]->ln = $g->grower_lname;
                        $wor[$i]->fn = $g->grower_fname;
                        $wor[$i]->twn = $g->grower_town;
                        $wor[$i]->pst = $g->grower_province;
                        $wor[$i]->oth = $gent->grower_otherspecific;
                        $wor[$i]->lth = $gent->length;
            if($weighoff == grower_entry_A) { echo "<h2>Saturday Weighoff results for {$fyear}</h2>"; }
                else { echo "<h2>Sunday Weighoff results for {$fyear}</h2>"; }
            echo "<table id=\"reslist\">\n";
            echo "<tr><th>Category</th><th>Name</th><th>City, Prov/State</th><th>Result</th></tr>\n";
            function sort_results_by_category(&$wor)
                    usort($wor, function($a, $b) {
                       if($b->cat == $a->cat)
                        return $b->res > $a->res;
                       return strcmp($a->cat, $b->cat);
            foreach($wor as $result) {
                echo "<tr><td>";
                    if($result->oth) { echo "<span class=\"catem\">{$result->cat->title}: {$result->oth}</span>";
                    } else { echo "<span class=\"catem\">{$result->cat->title}</span>"; }
                    echo "</td><td class=\"resname\">{$result->ln}, {$result->fn}</td><td class=\"resloc\">{$result->twn}, {$result->pst}</td>";
                    if($result->lth) { echo "<td class=\"resnum\"><strong>{$result->res} inches</strong></td></tr>\n";
                    } else { echo "<td class=\"resnum\"><strong>{$result->res} lbs.</strong></td></tr>\n";
            echo "</table>\n";

It displays like this:

Category1, name, location, result

Category1, name, location, result

Category2, name, location, result

Category2, name, location, result


The problem is they want it to display like this:


  name, location, result

  name, location, result


  name, location, result

  name, location result


And I've tried everything (in my limited arsenal) and I can't figure out how to organize the output and I can't even decide if it might be a simple thing I'm not seeing or if I have to rethink my whole approach. Can anyone see what I'm missing?

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If I am understanding you correctly it is quite simple to do by setting a variable to the current category and then only echo out the category title if the category is different to the category from the last echo'd result.

$current_category = '';
foreach($wor as $result) {
     if($result->cat != $current_category){
          echo "<span class=\"catem\">{$result->cat->title}</span>";
     echo **all the name, location, result output**
     $current_category = $result->cat;

Hope that makes sense and works for you.

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