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TinyMCE & images: Saving leads to 404


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I have an issue where after I insert a couple of images (happens with only one as well) at the end of the body field and save the changes to the page, I am hit with a 404 (at the same "edit" URL) and the changes aren't saved.

What makes this REALLY strange is that if I put some text after the image, it saves just fine.  BUT - it has to be at least 680 characters.  Otherwise, it won't save.  Also, this happens in PW2.2.9, but not on PW2.3.0.

The HTML generated by TinyMCE looks just fine. I tried this on a new page and have the same results

I've spent a couple hours trying to figure out what's going on with this - and am left scratching my head.

Has anyone ever noticed similar behavior?

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Antti's right that it does sound like something going on at the server side (mod_security?). But I don't think there's any reason to use 2.2.9 anymore, so if it's as simple as using PW 2.3.0, why not just do that? However, don't be surprised if the issue turns up again, as mod_security can be a real pest when used with a CMS. 

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Ok, apparently I wasn't looking in the right area.  :mellow: (Obviously, I don't know much about mod_security.)  I ended up contacting Liquidweb and they helped me solve it.  It was a matter of whitelisting some mod_security rules.  Thanks for your input, fellas!

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