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I've created a tags field so that the CMS user may add tags to blog posts that then link to a list of all the posts with that tag:

Reading out tags from all post pages:

$matches = $pages->find("template=post");
$tags = array();
foreach($matches as $key => $tag){
   foreach(explode(",", $tag->tags) as $key => $t) {
                  $tags[$t] = str_replace(' ','',$t);
$tagsClean = array_unique($tags);

foreach($tagsClean as $word){

//if not blog page creat links to search from the blog
if($page->path == '/blog/'){
	echo '<a href="?topic=' . $word . '">';
	echo '<a href="../?topic=' . $word . '">';

echo $word;
echo '</a><br />';

I'm now trying to work out how to list those pages which have the same tag as the current page (related posts):

as far it only lists what tags the current page does have:

$pageTags = array();
foreach(explode(",", $page->tags) as $key => $t) {
              $pageTags[$t] = str_replace(' ','',$t);
$pageTagsClean = array_unique($pageTags);

foreach($pageTagsClean as $pageTag){
echo '<a href="../?topic=' . $pageTag . '">';
echo $pageTag;
echo '</a><br />';

Any help would be great, thanks

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I tried something that should do what you want. Although it depends what you want to archive exactly, there are alternative ways/technics that would work in PW21.


$pagetags = explode(',',$page->tags);
$tagstring = implode('|',$pagetags);
$tagstring = substr($tagstring,0,strlen($tagstring));

echo $tagstring.'<br/>';

$related = $pages->find("template=page, tags~=$tagstring");

echo '<ul>';
foreach($related as $item){
if($item !== $page){
	echo "<li><a href='{$item->url}'>{$item->title}</a> (RelatedPageTags: {$item->tags})</li>";
echo '</ul>';

You may need to further limit the $pages->find by using more selectors and a limit etc, depending on how many pages there are.

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