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Where to find description of e.g. "-1 month" selectors?


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I tried "-1 day" on a whim and it worked, so I'm curious where I can find other selectors for date fields? I tried searching the forums, cheat sheet, and selectors page on the main site. Thanks!

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The rest are in Soma's head :D The guy knows everything  :P. Jokes aside, I think they are buried deep in PW code. I recall Soma saying when he was getting started he studied module code and looked in PW modules, etc.

Edit: Adding hopefully relevant links to collate date selector stuff in one place..



http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2260-search-articles/ - Nice one! See post by Ryan

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Direct quote from Ryan, taken from the first thread linked up there:

... you would just want your date to be in a format that is either a unix timestamp, or a string recognized by PHP strtotime().

So yes, that's how it works. Taking a quick look at source, when asked for a database query Datetime fieldtype simply converts selector value to date with format 'Y-m-d H:i:s', right after sanitizing it (in which process any non-timestamp value is parsed by strtotime()).

Digging through PW source is actually fun.. and also the only way to be 100% sure what's really going on and what kind of values will work :)

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I have a feeling PW date selectors will obey stuff you can throw at PHP strtotime


As far as my experince goes, this is true. I use various date calls all the time in my ProcessWire sites, mixing ProcessWire and good old PHP to get what I need.

To add one more link to kongondo's list, Ryan and I posted a bit on this here:




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