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Starting in on a new site tonight and realized I never posted the last site we finished in March.


This was a information frontend site for a campaign to get people submitting proposals for a community funding project. Client was able to edit a ton of the site and never had any issues dealing with the backend. I learned a ton about markup/template organization from the threads here which were unbelievably helpful. Thanks everyone! Thanks Ryan!!!

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Very nice! The only thing I was wanting was a more obvious way to move between "indicators". 

The sidebar nav works, but I missed it at first being under the rating system. (nitpicking).

I love Avenir, nice type choice.

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Terrific work! Really like the big, bold, striking theme of every page. You do a great job of pulling together lots of relevant graphics on each individual page while keeping the design fresh and open, and consistent. The style matches the positive and eager philosophy of the ideas -- exactly what we are always trying to do in our sites.

One small point: in the top pull-down menu, I would remove the underscores for the links.

I have viewed the site, so far, on an iPad (Safari). I'll view it on a desktop later.

Thanks for sharing,


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