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ckeditor style and class attributes


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I don't know how to config ck-editor on processwire in order to accept attributes in common HTML tags  like <p class=='myClass'></p>, i look into edit field but i cant find the way to do this.

Thanks in advance.

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Antti and I implemented the CKEditor module for ProcessWire, but I don't consider myself an expert with CKEditor at all, yet. As far as I know, the allowed attributes are a function of the plugins being used in CKEditor. Antti may know better? But ProcessWire essentially uses an unmodified copy of CKEditor, so if you can track down how to do it on the CKEditor site, then that would apply to PW's module as well. If you find supporting a common need requires additional configuration options for the module, I'll be glad to add them. 

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