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Slight issue in PW2.1 latest build


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It's only a very slight issue, and I hesitate to call it a bug as nothing's actually broken, but when creating some fields of the Page variety, I seem to be seeing double - see attached image.

I'd have put it in the tracker but you can't upload images there.

Nothing too major, but this seems to have crept in with a recent update.

Unless of course you're planning on being able to select pages from multiple parents just for fun ryan? ;)


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This is in Firefox 6 (these version numbers with Mozilla are getting silly now!).

I'm using the latest build again downloaded half an hour ago and still see the issue.

Same issue occurs in IE9 though so don't think the browser is the issue unfortunately.

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Pete, since I still can't duplicate here, I'm wondering if there may be some other module involved. What non-core modules do you have installed in PW?

Btw, I tried in FF5 not FF6, and IE8 rather than IE9, so will try in FF6 tomorrow, just in case there's something there.

Also, can anyone else duplicate this?



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This problem has been fixed in the latest commit.

The issue was actually that I moved some of this stuff into tabs. The tabs move some markup around, so any <script> tags in those tags get executed twice (once when page loaded, and again when tab draws). This is just something that happens in javascript when you move markup around. The solution was to remove <script> tags (via JS) before drawing the tabs. This is okay to do since those <script> tags had already been executed by the time they are removed.



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