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Multi-line Config Option


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Hi folks

I was just wondering what the best way to handle multiple key/value pairs in a module config would be?

For example, in a few modules I will likely need to enter information in a text field and then select an associated page, but up to as many times as the administrator requires.

The simplest way would be to use a textarea and go the CSV route and type the page paths manually, so:


Whilst this way of doing things is fine, I wonder if there's another way (doesn't matter that it essentially gets saved as a CSV behind the scenes - it would just be nice to make the config simpler to use and remove the chance of typos in paths :)

I'm going to have a crack at it with some jQuery as I've just had an idea, but if anyone has any other suggestions I'm all ears :)

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Pete, you can store arrays in a module config:

$data = array(
  'options' => array(

$modules->saveModuleConfigData('MyModuleName', $data); 

Of course 'options' could be an associative array too if you wanted it. 

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