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Insert images from URL


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Hi guys,

How can I insert images from URLs? I'm making a site where I'll have to use images from the original source, so I won't be able to upload them on my server... Is there something I can change in TinyMCE/PW config files to allow this? Or maybe I'm missing something?

Many thanks,


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Frontend. The thing is the client won't be able to upload images on his own server, it has to use images from the original source for copyright issues.

Like in WordPress, when we want to insert an image we have the option to upload the image on our server or insert directly from an URL... Most WYSIWYG editors have this option, but I don't see it in ProcessWire editor... 

See the Redactor example: http://d.pr/i/CvrB

This is what I'm looking for  ;)

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In TinyMce the normal image behavior is being replaced by the PWImage plugin. It's not difficult to unload the it in the plugin itself, but because it's in the core, I wouldn't advise you to do that. In the CKEditor module it's very easy to do this without touching the module, if you don't mind switching to it, here is how you do it:

Go to the field settings, choose CKEditor as the inputfield type, and in the INPUT tab, and inside "CKEditor Settings" go to "CKEditor toolbar" and replace "PWImage" for simply "Image", then go to "remove plugins" and remove "Image" from the list.



If you still prefer to use tinyMce, go to the file /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/InputfieldTinyMCE.js, and remove 'pwimage' from the InputfieldTinyMCEPlugins array in line 96. Beware that this file will be replaced in any upgrade.

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