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Error when moving page parent and template change


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Not a big deal, but I just went to move a page to a different parent. I changed the title, name, template and parent all at once and it returned an error saying it couldn't change the parent because the page's template wasn't allowed. It changed the template to the one I selected (which actually is allowed), but didn't change the title, name, or parent. I changed these again and it saved fine. 

So, I guess it needs to be able to make the template change first and then continue to process the other changes, rather than throw the error.

Obviously I now know to do these sorts of changes in two steps, but it would be nice if it could manag it without needing this. Maybe it's too much of a pain to implement ?

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If something triggers a fatal error, then the save can't be performed. Attempting to move a page somewhere that it's not allowed aborts the save. Also, template changes are confirmed with the user if the new template contains different fields. As a result, it has to be handled as a separate operation. 

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