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Title field and SmartyPants

Marty Walker

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Is it possible to run a field in a template through one of the text formatters? I have title like this: This is 'Closed' - which I would like to have curly quotes. If I add SmartPants to the title field in the admin there's no effect.

But if I include a PHP version of SmartyPant (http://michelf.ca/projects/php-smartypants/), and have setOutputFormatting to false I can do this.

	$my_text = SmartyPants($page->title);
	echo "<p>" . $my_text . "</p>";

Just wondering if there's a 'PW' way to do it.



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Textformatters are intended for front-end rather than back-end. So you won't see the results of a Textformatter in the admin side. However, if you apply the SmartyPants Textformatter to any text field (Fields > edit field > Details > Text formatters), you should see the results on the front-end. 

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