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"Unable to complete this request due to an error." When Upgrading 2.0 > 2.1


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I followed the directions to upgrade at, http://processwire.com/talk/index.php?topic=58.0. Now, when I view my site I see the error: "Unable to complete this request due to an error".

I turned Debug mode on. I now see:

Fatal error: Exception: Unknown column 'templates.flags' in 'field list' SELECT templates.id,templates.name,templates.fieldgroups_id,templates.flags,templates.cache_time,templates.data FROM `templates` ORDER BY templates.name (in C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\Database.php line 72) #0 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\SaveableItems.php(132): Database->query(Object(DatabaseQuerySelect)) #1 [internal function]: WireSaveableItems->___load(Object(TemplatesArray)) #2 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\Wire.php(267): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('load', Array) #4 [internal function]: Wire->__call('load', Array) #5 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\Templates.php(83): Templates->load(Object(TemplatesArray)) #6 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\ProcessWire.php(116): Templates->init() #7 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\wire\core\ProcessWire.php(45): ProcessWire->load(Object(Config)) #8 C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\index.php(151): Proce in C:\new_wamp\wamp\www\pwire2\index.php on line 186

This error message was shown because the site is in DEBUG mode.

Even with this message I can't seem to debug what's causing the issue. It occurs every time I upload the 2.1 /wire folder and overwrite my old /wire version from 2.0. I have tried multiple times, but I can't seem to avoid this error. I searched the forums. I didn't find any similar issues. This is my last attempt to figure this out. I'm at a loss right now.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can provide some insight! :)


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Welcome to the forums Shane! I think you have wrong instructions here. Updating 2.0 to 2.1 requires running upgrade.php script which comes with 2.1. Never run that script myself so not sure how it works and if it.is stable yet, but it would be great if you try it. I'm not sure but here might be topic about that also.


//Adamkiss: glued together this and the next topic.

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I've never upgraded PW, but it seems like you just don't have "flags" field in your "templates" table.

If you use PHPMyAdmin try to add field manually. Go to your PW db, choose "template" table, add field (after fieldgroups_id).

Enter this values:

Field: flags

Type: int

Length/Values: 11

Default: As defined, 0

Or if you use prefer using sql statement, then connect tou your MySQL server:

mysql>use yourprocesswiredatabase (replace it with your actual PW database)
ALTER TABLE  `templates` ADD `flags` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'

I hope this will help you to solve this problem, didn't test it though.

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@Shane: Yes, welcome to forums. Switching between minor versions comes with a few pullbacks, so you have to use aforementioned upgrade.php. Hopefully, upgrading even between minor versions will be solved in future releases, though it's not currently on roadmap (although, with features in 2.2, being mostly multilanguage support, we should come up with a good solution)

@Antti: I glued your posts together, you'll never learn to modify your posts, will you? :D

@slkwrm: While helpful, I don't advise this – like many 'somewher deep in core' errors, this might bring another error, and you just may end up adding/editing multiple columns and doing other databse operation, which might not be the best solution.

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Shane--hold off in upgrading for another week or two. There are major core changes from 2.0 to 2.1 so an upgrade script has to be involved. This upgrade script is in production and it's not quite ready. Stick with 2.0 for a little while longer. Don't do any manual table changes with PHPMyAdmin, because that's just a small part of what's changed. So in the short term, I'd recommend removing the 2.1 /wire/ dir and putting the 2.0 /wire/ dir back in place (as well as /index.php, if you replaced that too).

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