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Gateway timeout on homepage


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Hi there, I've gone with pagegrid for a client site, and it's been working pretty well. I really like the ease that my clients have modifying content themselves, it makes processwire work for the kind of hands on client that i'm working with. 

But I'm having a issue with the home page- I keep getting a gateway timeout on the edit page.

No other page has this issue. The issue has been present for a 2-3 days now. Anyone have any idea what might be causing this/ has anyone experience the same thing? 

If it were a personal site I would just wait and see, but as i'm on a slight deadline, I figured i'd reach out and see if anyone has advice. 


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@CeMcc Thanks for using PAGEGRID.

Like @elabx sad this could be an issue with your server. But it's a bit strange that it's only happening on the homepage. If I understand correctly this is only happening in the backend and not in the frontend? Are there any redirects happening in the home template? Are you using markup regions with the option to auto append the main.php file? Are there any custom blocks that are only on the homepage?

If possible can you share the code you have in your home template?  

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